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How to deal with a breakup?

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Any advice on how to deal with letting the one you love go? I love my bf to death and i still care so much about him but i know its not good for me to be in this relationship. All i keep doing is thinking about "the past" and its affecting us both especially me.I need to do whats best for me but all i keep thinkig about is how am i gonna feel once i leave him.. I keep staring at our old pics i keep hearing songs that remind me of him and our relationship..everthing i do i think of him..i dont have any girl friends to to talk to about this.. Its hard

How to deal with a breakup?

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One thing I've learnt is that you need to do what makes you happy. If leaving him is going to be sad, why is it the best for you? If he loves you and you love him and you think that there is some future in you two where both can be happy, hold on tight. If you think you can absolutely NOT handle the problems you have with him - the ones that make you think that it isn't good for you to be in the relationship, try to fix these problems. Don't give up before you HAVE to if it's going to make you sad.

How to deal with a breakup?

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I have been there dated a guy firer a long time, you are human it's going to suck honestly but focus making you better. Put your energy into a situation that benefits you . My grandmother always taught stop digging in your past cause all ou get is dirty. Take a few days cry it out and then say no more. Set goals and join more social groups like o find people who have similar interest maybe pick up new hobbies. Once you ochre the time on you and stop thinking about what could have you will see what is and that is where you will find your new beginning. Now I know you will have setbacks don't get discouraged but use them to empower you !!!

How to deal with a breakup?

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You have to take a long hard look at yourself. If you know that you cannot get over the past, and there is no resolution it will only get worse. My ex and I just broke up after 15 years on and off. I am a mess, we have two kids, a home, and our bills are tied together. A majority of the issues, is the past. I am 31 and he still throws things in my face from when we were 17 and 18. But his transgressions are the exceptions. Over the years he started drinking, then came the verbal abuse. If you think that you both cannot overcome this, it is best to leave now rather than later.I have no friends, only have my mom and my co-workers. It will be hard. But let me tell you, it is really hard and very lonely if you wait so long.I wish the best of luck for you and hope you know that you are not alone.

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