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I recently came across my bf's FB searches. It concerned me when I found out he often (about once a week) FB searches one of his lesbian female friend and her gf, sometime also searches for some of his other female friends. Is he obsessed with her/them/lesbians? Do you think he secretly has a crush on her? Not sure what to make of this, but definitely found this odd. It concerns me that he might have feelings for her or something. What do you think? Am I overreacting? To my knowledge, they barely hangout, text or talk, since we've been together. I can't discussed this with him cause then I would have to reveal that I snooped. Plus, think if I asked, he wouldn't really tell me the truth. I mean... who really would when put on the spot like that. Thoughts?

Facebook searches

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It doesn't matter if he has a crush on any of his FB friends, the fact is that he has gone behind your back without your knowledge if you have had to snoop. If you can't rely on him to be truthful with you and going by your post, you really don't expect him to because he'd be put on the spot, then it's telling us that you are only concerned about who he is searching..and you that you expect him to lie. The real issue is trust and honesty, never mind his FB searches.

Facebook searches

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I have had the same problem only I confronted my partner and he told me she is now his best friend in work we have argued about this and his reply is he'll leave me am in the wrong we have been together 10 years and have 3 kids last year he did leave" because he fell in love with someone at work" were bk together but refuses it woz with her there still best friend s x

Facebook searches

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all guys fantasize about girl on girl action, I wouldn't worry about it.. And just because he searched it on facebook doesn't mean he was doing it behind your back.

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