My boyfriend, has his ex living with him

NICOCLOUD - Sep 12 2014 at 05:10
To start off, I love my boyfriend, I do love him, but I hate the position i'm put in.
He moved another woman in with him that was moving in with him to be his lil, as in a dom and sub relationship. WE were not dating when this happened, but we were together in the friend moving to boyfriend girlfriend stage when this happened, and he thought that it would be fine, that I was going to friends with the woman even. I stop talking to him. I told him that I didn't want to be around them, because it hurt me too much to have feeling for him and for to be with someone else. He then realized that he wasn't as happy without me there, and the his lil was not pulling her weight around his home.
I sent a drunken text to tell him I was fine with him being with other people and I missed my friend. In the morning I sent a never mind text to him. we started talking more and more to each other and by that Thursday we had decided to date. Now one of the things I have to live with is that she is still living with him.......................
She is still the first and last person that he sees each night. That if she gets upset he is there to comfort her, and I don't know how he does that and if he has had a long day does she hug him a little too long does she touch him, does he touch her, pet her since this chick likes to be treated like an animal.
I'm in hell, a relationship hell, now here is the kicker, I'm not to come to his house to not throw our relationship in her face. She "asked" him for permission to date. She calls him to pick her up, since they live together they go grocery shopping, do laundry together, There is only one bed, they sleep in that together, and i'm suppose to fine.
Yes we spend every weekend together and most evenings during the week, but its the fact that she there as a reminder of the women before me, of that i'm sharing him. I know this puts a strain on him to where he has to go back and forth, but this has me in hell, I try not to show but it does, I'm in hell, a personal hell of my making, I gave him til the start of November for her to have found a job and move out, but I feel like that's not going to happen, I feel like he is going to give her all the time in the world because he feels bad about stick to the plan that she had in moving here in the first place. I'm going to end up being even more angry and emotional to the point that I crack, and I don't want to crack, but I will.
I love this man, but there can not be 3 people in a relationship. 4 if you count my emotions.
The what if kill me. What if he sleeps with her, what if she wants to hold on to him, what if he starts to grow attached to her, what if he starts liking having someone to come home to each day and since she is there they set in to a pattern a routine with each other, what if he didn't really want to come over, but just wanted to close to her job so he could pick her up from work, when this chick could have gotten on the bus, what if he is stringing me along and making promises to both of us, and is just enjoying himself, what if he does truly love me the way he says he does, than am I just making myself to be a fool, what if I can tell that he loves me and always has doubt that he does, is this all just my insecurities?
Truly loves you??..I doubt it very much. If he did, he certainly wouldn't have his ex or anyone for the matter, anywhere near him. You would be his priority and you wouldn't have half the insecurities that you have now.
It's either you or her and you have the power to choose if you want to remain in the 'hell' you are in now.
A man who sleeps in the same bed with another woman is not single. Whether they are together, in love or having sex, is irrelevant. They are together, no matter what story this man is spinning. Remember, actions speak louder than words. If you remain with this man you are putting up a road block or wall per say for someone who may really love you and treat you right. Good luck and God Bless!!
Nicocloud, be careful of what you are getting into. Dom sub relationship is not every ones cup of tea. If he is into it and you are not means you both won't be as happy together. At some point of time this will keep popping up. Moreover I have my doubts if he is into threesome fantasy too and is looking at reaching there?
Whatever it is, doesn't sound good for you. Please be strong and avoid this personal hell you are getting deeper into every minute. If you are hurting breaking up with him now, just realise you will hurt 10 times more when you break up later.