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Is this long distance relationship too hard?

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So my boyfriend and I go to separate colleges, we're not too far about an hour and a half away from each other but we still don't get to see each other all that often. We agreed that we would try and see each other every two weeks, obviously we understand that not all plans are going to work out but for the most part we want to keep the dates we have. Also I am looking to transfer so weekend with him are also my only escape from my school, I love seeing him but I also really love getting out of here or having him come. I turned down an opportunity at my schools paper because it was a scheduling conflict and I didn't say anything to Jim (my boyfriend). That night he told me that one of our weekends we have to cancel because of a 24 hour film festival at his school. This normally wouldn't bug me but the weekend we had planned before that we also had to cancel because his parents were visiting which I totally understand but with missing both weekends it's 3 weeks between visits. I told him it was okay that we miss it but he could tell I was upset so he insisted on visiting anyway, but I really don't want him to regret missing it no matter how much I want to see him. I just feel like these things are just going to keep happening and while we both love each other very much, were too busy to keep the relationship good long distance and the stress is really starting to take a toll.

Is this long distance relationship too hard?

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I can understand that it's taking a toll on your relationship, but one things for sure you went to college for a reason...I'm not saying to end the relationship I'm meaning if yous trust eachother that the realtionship can work then it will work Not only did you turned down a great opportunity for yourself but YOU also don't want to be making regrets on your future... This is a test to see how strong you guys are being apart, if yous were to have a future together then i suggest you guys push each other to open doors of oppertunity, don't push important things in your lives aside for someone else cause that opportunity may never come again. but in terms on seeing each other, keep making arrangements to see each other but its a sacrifice that both of yous will be making in order to build a bright future for yourselves & this will definitely build a strong relationship between the 2 of yous & come by break seasons im pretty sure all yous want to do is catch up & make the most of being together. The last thing you want is for him to blame you for an opportunity that could have gotten him to his dream job & vise versa. Yes yous are young & inlove & thats what you need to keep reminding yourself, is that yous have alot of time in world to make up for loss times. Don't dwell too much attention on this situation, sounds like yous are doing great in terms of school but as i said before its a sacrifice & a test to your relationship. With this dedication to have a long distance relationship the out come of it all would be inseparable & strong. Then yous would look back and say it was all worth the wait cause hopefully by then yous would be successful in your own career life & also having the love of your life to help push you through it & vise versa.

Is this long distance relationship too hard?

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I agree with LIPZSEALED. This is really a test for the both of you to see if you can really keep this long distance relationship going. I would add that it's a pretty inconvenient time in your lives for the both of you to carry on this type of relationship right now with both of you still schooling. If you do want to keep the relationship going, my main advice for the both of you is to try to focus on the positives of having a long-term relationship such as having more free time for yourselves and of course, "absence makes the heart grow fonder," so those few moments that you are able to spend together will be that much more special. Also try to think about what you can do to make the distance shorter rather than thinking about the inconveniences brought about by the distance.

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