Jealous of online attention help!
ONLINEJEALOUSY - Sep 22 2014 at 02:29
This might seem so silly but I just need another opinion .. It really bothers me when my boyfriend "likes" or follows or favorites or shows any other type of interest in another attractive female on the Internet. I trust him 100%, we have been together for 3 years and just recently started living together. I know it's an insecurity but It still bothers & hurts me. I know my insecurities are partially because I was cheated on before.. But that relationship was like yearsssss ago. I mean it ended like 10 years ago. I've told him it bothers me & he's basically said to get over it, it's just the Internet and he likes looking at attractive women. But I can't.. It BOTHERS me when he's favoriting regular females pictures with their asses and titts out on twitter, or liking those pictures on Instagram or following them. I think part of my worry is because they're regular females - why does he have to put this out in the open? If it were porn then whatever, fine. But why does he feel the need to do this? I can't get over it. Am I wrong? Someone please give me advice or an opinion. PLEASE.
You have very good reason to feel bothered by your bf's actions. If you guys have been together for 3 years and now you have recently made the move to co-habit (the need to be with one another constantly)then your bf most certainly should not be following attractive females on the internet.
Ask yourself if he respects you and makes you the most important person in his life. If he did, he wouldn't have the NEED to look at other attractive females.
Yours fears are not from 10 years ago, rather they are, at present, perfectly warranted.
He says it's no different than say looking at porn or that if I think all men DONT do it im crazy. But like I said, I think this is different than porn but he doesn't & just says I need to get over my insecurities because he's not dealing with it anymore. So I basically just have to accept it but be unhappy about it which I won't so honestly it becomes a question of us breaking up
You are very well-justified in how you feel and I believe the reason that he's being dismissive about what you are saying is because he believes that it is non-issue.
If this is the case, then you need to sit down and have a long talk with him and explain to him that this is a very real and a very big issue for you and that you at least want him to make a compromise with you or it could very well negatively impact your relationship.
If he still refuses to take you seriously, then perhaps he's not really worth your time.
Funny I bumped into this topic. I just got into a fight with my bf about the same thing. I have been fighting with him about it for months now and it just keeps getting worse. We are about to get engaged, but after our fight today I think it won't be happening anymore.
This type of issue isn't easy to get over. With the way you are feeling, I don't think you will ever get over it. Have you tried asking him how it would make him feel if you liked a bunch of naked guys' pics? Or how would he feel if You posted half naked pictures of yourself on line? What would he think of other guys liking your titts/ass? What he is doing is disrespectful. I understand there are other women/attractive people out there, but you don't need to make an extra effort to let that person know or let your social media friends know you think someone's hot.
Being in a relationship means making compromises. Even if it doesn't make sense to him (means nothing to him) he still needs to listen to what you are saying and how it is making you feel. You too need to listen to his reasons and why he does certain things. After you both share your reasons/feelings, come up with a compromise. He can't tell you to get over it. That's like him having to get over you flirting with other guys. If he still tells you to get over it, then I am pretty sure this is just the beginning of future problems to be ignored by him. If he can't be sensitive enough to consider your feelings now, then why would he in the future?
Anyways, that is my advice...
But, because I was just in a fight with my bf about the same thing earlier.. and now the feeling of "the end" is so strong for me... I would tell you to stop and think if this issue is really worth the relationship you have with him. You said porn is okay but regular girls aren't? What is the difference? Girls that post selfies with their titts hanging out are almost equivalent to girls in porn videos, right? What I'm trying to say is, if porn doesn't bother you, then maybe this whole issue isn't really a big deal and you are just wanting to win (get what you want), so... coming from someone who's relationship is about to end, I think you should think of weather this is worth it or not.
I have tried talking to him and he just gets mad and says I'm insecure and ridiculous. Unfortunately today I was looking on his laptop and came across much worse. It wasn't just "looking" anymore. He has an account on a pornsite and has been talking or trying to talk to frmales in the account for at least the past year if not more, the most recent was just two months ago..he even gave his phone number to one and tried to meet others. I worry that he will flip it to say I was wrong for snooping or will try to say we were broken up during those times but he was 100% wrong for this. As far as me asking how would he feel if I liked guys pics or uploaded pics he claims he wouldn't care. I think I got myself into the wrong situation by moving in with him & Unfortunately I moved out of state to live with him and started a new job. So now what? I am in a lease with him Until August of 2015.
Looking and admiring is one thing.. but meeting up? Is crossing the line. But wait.. you said you guys were broken up during that time? If so, that shouldn't count. Before I share my suggestions, what do You want to do? After learning that he tried to meet up with girls on porn sites, and sharing his contact info, etc.. do you still want this relationship? Don't think of what you signed/situation. Just think.. what do You want?
I honestly would be bothered too. If he likes looking at other woman then thats fine. Us woman look at men too, its natural to do so but to act upon it and start liking their pictures then its a bit wrong. He should see how much it bothers you and try to not do it anymore. Now if your constantly getting upset over it and he knows it bothers you so much and he doesnt stop then ask him if him liking their pictures is more important than seeing the woman he loves upset.... idk but thats just my opinion. Its a relationship and both have to work for it.