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Confusing girl!

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So theres this girl whos a fried of mine and i happen to really like her and want to be more than a friend. I believe that we are like the perfect match. Okay maybe not perfect but we have the potential to have an amazing and loving relationship that could definitely last for a long time. Well for the past few months ive been trying to test the waters and see if she likes me. She would constantly give me obvious signs that she likes me as more than a friend but then would suddenly turn around and act the complete opposite. It was very confusing. But i decided to give it a shot anyway and ask her out on a date. She told me she only likes me as a friend. I was very dissappointed to say the least. But then two days later she asked me out on a date and of course i accepted. I had just assumed that she changed her mind and decided she did like me like that too. Then two days before the date she told me she was done dating guys for now. She told me she has had enough of the trouble guys can cause. Her was her subtle way of telling me that our date was cancelled and that we were not going to start dating. I was very conused and bummed at this point. So a couple days later we are going to a party (this was a innocent birthday partyby the way without all that crazy and wild fun) and im her ride there and back. On the way we decide to stop at the house of one of her girlfriends and chat for a while. In the discussion she starts discussing to her girlfriend about how awkward it is that so many of her guy friends like her. She starts listing them off and turns to me and asks me if i like her as well. I tell her that i do. Her friend says that she approves of me and thinks im a good guy but she hushes her friend and she moves on with the conversation. So we go to the party and have fun and on the way driving back she tells me that i shouldnt like her because shes not going to date anyone and that she will probably end up hurting me. I told her im not giving up and she told me to prepare to be dissappointed. I drop her off at home and we both act like nothing happened as i say goodnight. At this time i think i should give a little background info on her. In her life she has had many bad relationships where the guys have emotionally scarred her. Her father was abusive, her stepbrother sexually abused her, and most of her relationships were very indepth and serious relationships and she always got hurt in the end. At this time she is not very trusting of guys. The only guy she truly trusts is her second best friend brad. In the past she has attempted to start a relationship with brad but brad tells her no every time. He always tells her that he doesn't want to be anything more than a friend to her and that will never change. So back to what happens between me and her. We both act casual around each other like nothing happens. On friday she text messages me and says how bored shes going to be this weekend and how she has nothing to do. I see this as a not-so-subtle hint at telling me to ask her out on a date so i ask her to the movies. We go to the movies and have a great time. During the beginning of the movie i gave her a compliment and she told me how sweet i was and she grabbed my hand and we held hands the entire movie. I got excited at this point and was thinking everyhing was good. But things just got more confusing! As we exit the movie theatre and she is holding my hand she tells me that this doesnt mean we are dating. Im a little flabbergasted to say the least and dont say anything in reply. i just had this look of utter confusion on my face Instead i just drive us to get something to eat and then drive her home. On the drive home she reminds me again that we are not dating and i say i know. She then grabs my hand literally two seconds after she said that. Im getting very confused at this point. i turn to her and ask her if she contradicts herself very often and she says what do i mean? I just wave our hands being held in front of her face. She tells me that its just because im such a nice guy and she doesnt want me to end the night on a bad note. She then tells me that she does not want to date right now or at all for a very long time. She then asks me if im okay with that. I tell her no and she asks me why. I lay out all my feelings at this time and her only response is that she is a very confusing girl. We then go through about two minutes of silence and i pull into her driveway. We are still holding hands at this time and she is looking out the window drumming her fingers thinking very hard about something. She then turns to me and asks how confused im willing to be. I say very confused, she kisses me then as she opens the door she tells me "I told you so" (in remarks to her being confusing) and walks inside her house without looking back. Im stunned to say the least. I drive home and when i get home she txts me and says that she is sorry. I tell her dont be sorry. I told her i wanted what happened here to happen for a long time and that im happy it did. She then replies that she both hates herself and doesnt at the same time. I tell her not to hate herself and we talk about random stuff for hours. The next day i can only think about how confusing that date was and whether or not this is a good sign. I tell her that the next day we've got to get together and talk. So we do and she asks me what i want to talk about. I ask her what was up with our date the other night and she told me that she just wanted me to have a good time becuase im such a nice guy. She tells me that shes not going to be dating anyone right now because she doesnt want to have a relationship ruin her life and that shes very protective of herself and has a hard time trusting any guys in general. She also says that im such a good guy and she doesn't want a relationship to ruin things between us. She says that if she was going to be dating i would be the perfect guy and gives me a list of reasons why.But then she tells me its best if i just get over my feelings for her. I tell her its not that easy and i dont think i can just get rid of them and even if i could i wouldnt want to. She tells me its better if i do and then leaves leaving me feeling crushed and depressed. The next day we have another talk and she tells me flat out that she cant be friends with a person who likes her right now and tells me she is giving me space so i can get over my feelings for her. I talk to her girlfriend mentioned above and she says that she can see the two of us together just at a later time because she is not psychologically or emotonally ready for a relationship at this moment. I realize that shes right and so i decide to push my feelings off to the side. They are still there but i would just like to focus on being friends for now. So for about two weeks we dont talk or see each other at all. Im talking to her friend brad and i learn that shes been saying things like i could see brad and her together in the future and stuff like that. this is a day after brad was telling her that me and her should start dating and he was campaigning my side. Brad tells her that they are never going to happen and she flips out on him. This was about two weeks ago and they are still not talking. But the day after brad told her that she suddenly talks to me again like we are friends and we start acting like friends towards each other again. So me, her, her girlfriend and a couple of other people are all getting together to go see transformers. im her ride again. On the way there she talks about how she just wants to go out and have fun and stuff. When we get to the movie and waiting for other people to arrive she tells her girlfriend she is definitely not looking for a boyfriend becuase she could have one if she wanted one. She points at me as an example of a guy she could date if she wanted a boyfried. After the movie im driving her and her girlfriend around. She starts talking about how she kinda wants to get into a relationship right now. My jaw drops! Her girlfriend starts saying how they were talking and she said that she just wants a fling right now and not a boyfriend. She denies ever saying that. I then drop her off and its just me and her girlfriend in the car. We start to talk about her and whats going on. Her girlfriend says that she is very confused right now and doesnt know what she wants. Her girlfriend says that she might be trying to hook up with this guy she just met at the movies. I start getting a little jealous at this point and am still utterly confused. Her girlfriend says that i deserve better than her. As of now thats the status quo. The girl i like is confused, confusing, trying to hook up with a guy she just met and we are in the friend stage where we pretend nothing happened. I still very much have feelings for her even though it probably is the stupidest things ive ever done before and i have no idea where her head is at. Any input or advice at this moment would be very much appreciated as i have no idea where to even start.

Confusing girl!

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Hey man, girls fucking suck. I wish I could give some solid advice, but I can only really tell you how I'm analyzing the situation and what I would do. I have a habit for falling for girls a bit like that. I mean I was reading this and the whole time thinking "Okay, he should stop with her. Wait, nope! this is good. Actually fuck that, he should stop. Oh what's this? maybe he shouldn't!" and the best thing I can compare her to is Jenny from Forrest Gump. You're going to get a lot of "Oh you deserve better! shes nuts if she doesn't like you!" on this. Which is true, but not entirely helpful, or realistic. Because when you like a girl that much, it's like an addiction. You're doing the right thing by pushing your feelings aside for the time being, but if you are close friends, as hard as this may seem, just ignore her for a bit. For some misplaced reason, its human nature to want what you can't have, and ignoring her will peak her interest. Apart from that, you're doing great. She might want to get checked for bipolar disorder though, I mean with a history like that, and the way she's acting, I wouldn't be surprised.

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