First move?

SOARING - Oct 6 2014 at 04:39
Hi, I'm a relatively shy high school student. There is a girl I like, and I think she likes me. But I don't know how to ask her out, and don't want to be embarrassed. What do I do?
Hey SOARING nice name :P fly high?
Well coming to the question..Is that girl a shy person like u? cuz if shes not and since she seems to be interested in u..then she might just approach u herself ryt? but if shes shy n u feel like she likes u then u should take a chance cuz lets take this situation..
U went to her n she rejected u Did u loose nything? No cuz u didnt kno her tht well she wasnt a great frnd of urs u lost..yes rejections are a bit painful at times but den u wont b wasting ur time thinking about it all day ryt?
And who knows if she says yes ? Its going to b an actual soaring to u :P ull find a new friend n mayb a future gf ;) Start with being a friend though first! Introduce urself find something common to tok about?work on a same project or join d same clubs ...something like tht. Giv it a try!
Girls like confident guys. So keep your shyness aside, walk up to her while she is alone, start some conversation and if you feel she is equally participating in the conversation, ask her out.
She will either say yes or no. If no, fine...its not the end of the world. Keep up the friendship and friendly conversations and ask again after sometime when you both know each other better.
So, I'm a 19 year old girl. And I'm here to tell you the best way to go and approach that girl you like. :)
If she's in any of your classes, sit next to her. If she's not, try the cafeteria or the library or any casual place.
If you're stuck on what to talk about, bashing teachers is always a fun topic to start with. Or talk about how bad the food is in school. That's a good way to start talking about what food she likes and opens an opportunity for you to ask her out to lunch or starbucks.
If she says no, don't give up hope! Sometimes us girls feel overwhelmed and just need a bit of time to get used to an idea like dating.
Just keep it relaxed, get to now her, take it slow.
If she says yes, then yay! While you're out, ask her about movies, music, tv shows. Find some common ground. Once you have something or several things in common, debate and discuss those.
Just talk to her and try to get to know her better. Find excuses to get close to her and talk to her whenever you can. She'll eventually get the message that you like her and you'll know if she is receptive to you if she doesn't seem to be rejecting your company whenever you try to get close to her. Just be careful not to get too friendly/chummy with her or you might get into the dreaded FRIENDZONE. After you've gotten comfortable with chatting with her (give it a few days to a week), then you can try asking her out for real. Don't postpone it for too long and just get it over with quickly. You might either get accepted or rejected, no one can really tell -- but just be proud of yourself for having the courage to take this chance instead of missing it and regretting it forever.