I still love my ex boyfriend, even though he's moved on

FELICITY221 - Oct 14 2014 at 21:10
My ex and I met when we were 17 years old, he lives in Montreal and I live in Toronto. Despite the distance we decided to try a long distance relationship. We cut it off in May, after a year and some time. It was mutual at the time because I was stressed out and he hated that and I hated that he didn't support me. As soon as we broke up I went cold and tried to cut him off, which pushed him away. He said it made him feel like I never loved him. After a month of going back and forth I decided to travel to Montreal (late June/Early July) to see him. I was an emotional wreck and he didn't know what he wanted. He told me he started talking to other people although he wasn't serious and it was mostly to make himself feel better. When I went home I tried to cut it off again, I told him I didn't want to be in a relationship with him and he told me he wanted to be friends. It went back and forth and it was hard. We didn't go a week without speaking to each other. He finally came down again in August for Caribana and took me out on the first day, which was absolutely wonderful. I didn't want to feel used so I told him I didn't want to go back to his hotel or chill with his friends (as if nothing changed) he saw that as me pushing him away again. I didn't see him for the rest of the weekend and he left without saying goodbye. We both spoke and agreed that we thought it would have been different, and also agreed that if we were in the same city things would be a lot easier. A few weeks ago he called me to tell me he is seeing someone else and if I see pictures I shouldn't do anything crazy, he stressed that she was a model and that he didn't love me anymore but still ended off with "maybe we'll get back together in the future". His brother came down the week after and came to visit me at work, which made me anxious and upset. Which a few days after my ex called me and texted me asking about his brother's trip down. I just wanted to ignore him and move passed it. He's been uploading pictures of this girl who seems the complete opposite of me. I also found out the other night that she is only 16, we are both 19. I find it extremely odd for him being in second year university to go after this girl in high school. Seeing those pictures make me feel absolutely sick to my stomach and I just want him back, I would do anything. I had an amazing relationship with his family and hope that they'll say something but I doubt they will.
I know he said he didn't love me anymore, and I tried to move on. But I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.
Is there anyway he'll come back? What can I do...
If you made a decision to move on then you should stick to it. Your ex is wrong when he says "maybe we'll get back together in the future" and then in the same breath states he doesn't love you anymore.
If he really needed to be with you, he wouldn't be making you jump through the hoops of hurt, anger and misery. If he really needed you he would be making arrangements to at least see you whenever possible, regardless of the distance because when a man truly needs a woman, he'll do everything in his power to make it happen and give his woman predictability. Your ex has done the opposite.
You guys made a decision to move on with your lives and time will help you move on from him. Do yourself a favour and stop all contact. When you make attempts to push him away, then you should be following through with it and putting a 100% effort into it. Your efforts have proved to you that you can't be just friends and therefore you need to move on completely to give yourself some peace.
Move on. Why are you even minding his FB uploads in the first place? It's not worth getting ulcers over. Whatever he may be doing with his life, it's none of your business now. If it seems like he's trying to get in contact with you or purposefully making himself and his new relationship visible to you, it's because he's trying to find affirmation for not being with you anymore by coaxing a jealous response from you -- do you really want to give him this satisfaction?
Focus on your own recovery and don't jump into a rebound relationship just to help yourself recover. You're 19, that's still pretty young. Find something interesting to do that will keep you busy that doesn't involve your ex in any way. This is a good time to reconnect with old friends if you've shut them out of your life once or perhaps start a new hobby -- something that you've always wanted to do. Whatever happens, don't cling on to that "ray of hope" that you two might get back together someday. When you decide to move on, then you should close your doors to your past relationship completely to make it clear to your subconscious mind that whatever you had is now over and done with.