Not sure...
MORRIELLA - Oct 15 2014 at 16:42
So there's this guy that I've known for a bit & we had sex the other day. I'm 18 he's 21. He's kinda shy and quiet which is great because I'm the same. He did try to sleep with me before but I said no. He's usually the first one to text, he's asked me things like: do I still talk to my ex boyfriends, what type of guys do I like, how long my past relationships were, etc.
I feel really comfortable with him, there's sometimes those "awkward silences" but they're never awkward just comfortable. I'm not sure if he's looking for a relationship, I'm happy with the pace that things are going at right now, because in past relationships everything felt kinda rushed like the "I love you" and everything. I don't want to fall in love with him too soon because I don't want to get hurt (which has happened before) ... I'm not sure if he likes me or wants a relationship.
Since he went to the trouble of asking you about your ex-boyfriends and has tried to have sex with you once -- add to that the fact that he's apparently shy and quiet, then he is most likely interested in you.
With that said, you can always test things out by giving him a few subtle hints -- but never try to ask him out directly. If you are interested in starting a relationship with him (which you seem to be. Pardon me if I'm wrong), then you should try indirectly ask him out and allow him to feel that he was the one who initiated things. More info on doing this:
I'd go straight passed the hints ect & just be really open to him about what you want. It sounds like you are both quite mature about things, so personally I see no harm in you sitting him down & just trying to be really open & honest with each other.
This might put him at ease as well & you can then agree how to move things forward.
I am surprised only SUSIEDQ brought up the important points. I agree with what SUSIEDQ posted.
1. You and him spoke bout exes already
2. Had sex
3 I am assuming you two kept contact
IMO, that's a relationship already, unwritten and unofficial since you are unsure, but the grounds for basis is there.
Added note about what SUSIEDQ said - everything SUSIEDQ said.