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Is he trying to get me pregnant?

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Is it weird for a boy to want you to come at the same time as him while having sex? And not be worried about using a condom? All of my past ex boyfriends have used condoms, but he didn't, he didn't even ask if I had any? I know it's my responsibility to make sure he used one, but I just assumed (big mistake I know) that he'd use one..

Is he trying to get me pregnant?

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As a guy myself it does annoy me that so many blokes behave like this. If you are serious about continuing with this guy, you need to be firm with him & tell him that you will not sleep with him again until he agrees to use some form of protection. Put yourself first & never be afraid of confronting a guy about this sort of thing. You should be treated as an equal in a relationship, if you're not then its time to leave.

Is he trying to get me pregnant?

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To answer your title's question, and with the data given in your statement - YES. Added notes: he's an idiot, or he's an idiot.

Is he trying to get me pregnant?

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you must be a youngster & I wouldn't overly think the situation honey I don't know any guy that loves having sex with a condom on, Trying to get you pregnant is the last thing on his mind guys get more pleasure having sex without the condom but in saying that dont rely on boys to put a rubber on it you too need to get yourself protected incase of these situations... UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE PREGNANT...

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