How to forgive myself for mistakes? How to move on?

JONASD - Oct 21 2014 at 05:01
Hello everyone! Thank you for helping!
I've made many, many mistakes in my personal life in the past and (although I never hurt anyone but myself) I feel myself being defeated by the weight of all those years and opportunities that I've wasted. No matter how much I tell myself that past is past, I just can't let go of a specific time in my life when I was really happy, and I just can't seem to forgive myself for wasting so many opportunities. This year I saw my dream job slip by, and the only woman I've ever loved slip by because I took too long to make a move and now she found someone else.
Life just doesn't seem to have been going my way for a while now and, although I've always been good at keeping a straight face and having a positive attitude, I feel completely trapped and unmotivated. I'm literally, and figuratively, heartbroken by how things are turning out for me. Any tips on how to move on?
Also, I'm starting to realize that, although I love them dearly, I'm just not compatible with my friends and family... I seek completely different things, and I'm not getting enough adventure and "life" where I am, which is depressing me further. I feel like just leaving and trying a fresh start elsewhere, but I'm scared and I just can't do it alone. And I'm also tired of being alone... Any help please?
Given your story, inspirational messages here and there are really all that you can hope for from here. I believe you might be dealing with depression here and you really need to seek professional help at once.
With that said, just try to focus on one thing at a time and engage in activities that make you feel good about yourself.
sounds like you already know where you went wrong in life that stopped making you happy and for that i feel you already know where to start but your clouded by overly thinking your situation but in saying that you need to tell yourself to stop being scared, when given the opportunity to take it & make the most of it, in terms of love maybe look at the positive side of things and tell yourself that mayne she just wasnt meant to be for you & in terms of feeling low you need to keep yourself active on doing the things that makes you happy and hopefully the positive outcome reveals its self by things falling into place.
Your mind is your own enemy, stop overly thinking things or expecting how things should be by a certain time and keep moving forward (go with the flow & make wise decisions for yourself). you are in charge of your own fate but you dont seem to look at it that way, YOLO = You Only Live Once, allow yourself a day to grieve and think what is stopping you from being happy & then the next day tell yourself to think positive and take baby steps on getting yourself together.
In terms of where to start...everybody has a 2nd chance to make it right so chase your dream job or work your way to your dream job, in terms of love...if you found someone like her theres another women like her but different image & probly got an extra flavour added to her personality that you would love even more. theres always that someone out there for that someone whos searching DONT GIVE UP KEEP TRYING
Just a few kind words...which were given to me in my time of darkness; One Step at a Time.
Don't look too far ahead, it's too scary.
And try to see to find a meditation group. And Yoga. It's grounding and peaceful. And ALWAYS REMEMBER....YOU ARE SPECIAL.
I know I'm overreacting, it's just that lately nothing is going my way, and the two catalysts that just completely brought me down were that dream job and the girl. The main thing that hurt me the most in both things is how it turned out. I actually won my dream job and signed my contract only to be contacted later that day to be notified that the project I was assigned to was being delayed; a month later they called me to notify me that it was getting canceled. And with the girl, which honestly it's what hurt the most, I've been in love with her for over a year and she was giving me every sign, and now she's fading away.
Thank you all for your kind words. It may seem as it's very little, but today was actually pretty good, and your words were a huge reason. I have considered counseling, but I consider myself to be a very strong and independent person, and I feel like I'm capable of getting overy this by myself. I just got overwhelmed during the last couple of months, and this feeling of just not being excited about anything in my future scared me, so I shared my feelings here hoping to get some comforting words. And I did.