Should I be optimistic?

FEMALE_ACE - Oct 26 2014 at 07:42
I was celibate for 4 years, I had given up on ever being in a relationship, but couldn't continue ignoring my urges. So, I posted an ad on one of those chat sites for an "intimate encounter" and after cyphering through all the perverts and nudes pics I came across this one guy who stood out and after engaging in an actual conversation and exchanging pictures, I built up the courage to meet him. What was suppose to be a one night thing ended up turning into a 3 month "fling", he was smart, tall, open and talkative all the qualities I wanted in the dream guy I thought didn't exist. I was falling for him and he was falling for me I was terrified because it was all suppose to be sexual only, no strings attached.
So when his job called for him to re-locate 7 hours away, we were both crushed and saddened. For the first time we expressed that we had feelings for one another and I made the stupid mistake of telling him I wanted a relationship. Of course, he responded by saying if the circumstances were different, yada yada yada, and I was crushed. He wants us to remain in contact as friends, but how can I continue to just act as a friend when we both know how I feel. It's just not logical to think I could turn a sexual fling into a real relationship, right?
You bring up a valid point, there was never a discussion about either of us relocating. He only told me that he wasn't sure how long his assignment would last here until he moves on to another city or state. He hasn't once visited since he left 3 weeks ago, never offered me to visit him in his hotel. Like you mentioned, I have my answer, he wants to only to be friends. Its definitely hard to hear, but I can accept it.