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Is he cheating?

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My husband has reconnected with a friend from school through Facebook. This friend (male) texts my husband 10-20 times a day. He also went to my husbands work one day last week to see him. He also came round tonight with a pack of beers for my husband for 'being sound'. They are currently in the garage supposedly talking bikes and have been in there 2 hours. Should I be worried? Does this man have designs on my hubby? Should I say something?

Is he cheating?

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Definately something to keep an eye on. Maybe politely ask them to leave the garage door open when he's round. Also, i'd check around the house for suspect magazines - gather evidence that he's possibly attracted to men. Good luck.

Is he cheating?

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a bit weird, if you ask me... Doesn't mean he's exactly cheating... maybe walk in and be the FBI. us woman are secret agents when it comes to stuff like this. GOOD LUCK!!

Is he cheating?

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When I read your OP what immediately struck me was this thought: The schoolfriend's marriage is in big trouble - headed for divorce/possibly wife has cheated - and he doesn't have anyone from his present-day circle with whom to talk it all through, least of all any female friends/rellies... hence 2 hours and (because most men find people knowing they don't have a grip on their marriage humiliating) the stupid cover story about bikes. The beers are a show of gratitude, hence calling your husband 'sound'. He means, someone who can be relied on. Furthermore, the schoolfriend would be mightily angsty and in a hurry to get to the bottom of things, and hence the urgency in the form of 20 texts/day and making the effort to go see him at work. Bet you a Tenner that's all it is. But, yes, I agree next time you could sneak up on them with a kind and helpful tray of snacks...see if you might catch a snippet of conversation? Alternatively - and better, simpler yet - ASK your husband (to express your concern)! No? Didn't occur to you?

Is he cheating?

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I think it's just natural. They are HighSchool friends and maybe they just miss sharing conversations with each other. Don't think negatively. Think positive.

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