Drug problem
ARTEMORTICIA - Oct 30 2014 at 02:45
I used to have a drug problem from the time I was seventeen all the way until I was 22. They prescribed me speed In High school because they said I was add. They gave me a generic of adderal which pretty much said amphetamine salts on the bottle, and I was hooked to it. My parents started realizing what it was doing to me and took the medicine away from me without explaining why. I was angry because it was helping me get through work and school and without explanation they took it from me. Not understanding, and going rough horrible withdrawals. I started going to the streets to get the pills. All around that time I started smoking pot all of the time to help me unwind and on days that I couldn't get my hands on adderall I would get any other pill I could get a hold of and take it. One day I met this guy, and I had never in my life tried meth- the real deal. Since adderall was getting harder and harder to find, he introduced meth to me on the condition that I would get him a box, to help him make the meth with. It was 100 times stronger than any adderall I had taken and I was hooked to it. After a while I decided to quit because it was getting out of hand for me and I was getting a bad problem. I never went to rehab or therapy to help me get through it, I just did- and about a year after I quit, I started falling apart and having bad anxiety issues. Does anybody know if is can be correlated with the drug problem I had? Does it take a while for your body to heal after drugs?
It sounds as though your parents took you off medication against the advice of your doctor. After that, you tried self-medication with illegally obtained drugs.
It is excellent that you have stopped self-medicating. However, please don't continue the legacy your parents handed down to you; please do not avoid seeing a doctor who can diagnose whether you have a health problem and prescribe legal medication for you if needed.
Contact your local mental health facility and ask for an appointment. They will be able to tell you if the anxiety is due to having used meth. They can also provide treatment for the anxiety.
gwendo, you should go through that one:
to make a diagnose and give a kid some drugs is irresponsible...
I'm not a medical professional but I know from personal experience and from reading a lot about Meth, that Meth can cause emotional issues long after you stop the drug. It is possible the Meth contributed to your anxiety but you should Also consider other factors that may have Also played a part in your anxiety. Meth is a tricky drug and will cause many problems for you even sometimes years after you stop. It's best for you to see a counselor who specializes in dual diagnoses, meaning a substance problem and an emotional problem because you have both substance and anxiety issues. A psychiatrist can prescribe meds to help your anxiety whether it was caused from past Meth use or not. Hang in there. There is life after Meth.