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I am a sixteen year old and my boyfriend is 18. We both like each other alot and love spending time with each other but i have an entrance exam to study for and so does he. We both do not get time for each other so we have taken a break but i still keep hoping that he texts me or calls when he is free. I am not able to concentrate on my studies and i feel like breaking up but he says he really wants to work it out.What should i do?


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breaking up no u should focus on yo study soon u will be putting the pens down and see what his excuse for not texting or calling u bcs the exams will be over if u feel u missing him jast call him and jast a short chat and says mabye iluv u that will make u feel better


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Men generally are better at putting feelings on the backburner than us (compartmentalising), so this radio silence might suit him and his own ability to concentrate, but what about YOU? If you're in a relationship you both own the relationship equally as gives you equal input into deciding what format anything connected with it takes. Doesn't sound like he's giving you equal say. Is that because he's clueless over how differently to him you deal with things (so it hasn't even occurred to him) or because he der man equals der boss? But - what's this? He says he 'really wants to work it out'? Work WHAT out? I thought this was a neutral feelings, pragmatic-only type of break, not a cover for some other problem that might require a break. Or does he mean, WORK OUT A COMPROMISE between you needing a *physical* break (yet not at the expense of intermittent emotional connection/reassurance), and him wanting/needing neither physical nor verbal?

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