Boyfriend cheating on me?

ADRIAN - Mar 22 2005 at 19:41
I think my boyfriend is cheating on me but I am not sure and I don't know what I should do about it, if anything?
If you think he's cheating on you then just ask around for people to watch him for you. That's what I did and that's how I found out that my boyfriend was sleeping with my best friend after we had been dating for like 8 months!
They best way to tell if your boyfriend is cheating on you is by how he acts if he accuses you of cheating thats a Guy with a guilty concience believe me I had to learn the hard way.Just be careful and dont get wrapped up in it too much just let things slide. If it is true its not worth crying over there are alot of guys out there.Yes I know that it is easier said then done.But believe its for the best."Once a player always a player".
I think what you should do is tell him that your best friend has seen him with someone else. Then if he looks away from you or his eye brows start to move - Its obvious he is banging someone else. Trust meI know because that is how i got caught out,,,,
If you think he's cheating then its pretty fundemental if he is or isn't. Its already fininshed if you think he is - without trust and respect for each other, forget it - move on and find it with someone else. Jayester