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I am smothering my boyfriend

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It has just been brought to my attention that I am smothering my boyfriend. I didnt realize that this is what I was doing, I thought I was just showing him affection. We love eachother, but I get so jealous when he talks to his female friends its crazy! I know that it should not bother me as much as it does, and I dont know how to stop. We have talked about how it is healthy for us to both have our own space, but I just cant seem to let go. I want to text him all the time for no reason, I am always afraid that he will leave me for someone better. I know that what I am doing is wrong and can end up pushing him away from me. I just dont know how to stop! Someone please help me :( He is the best thing in my life and I dont want to loose him.

I am smothering my boyfriend

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To give him his space, keep yourself engaged in something else. May be a new hobby or an activity. Spend time apart, only then the time together will become more magical.

I am smothering my boyfriend

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Hi. It sounds bad think of a dog, if you run after a dog it's going to run in the other direction, run away from a dog and it's likely to chase you. If you keep your distance from him a bit, not holding he's hand, not hugging him as much etc.. . You will probably find he will come closer to you

I am smothering my boyfriend

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Good advice, RUSTYBALBOA, which analogy works equally well with toddlers who run off and stop only if mum doesn't run after them. But first, HARLEYQUINN03 - what I want to know is: *WHO* told you you were smothering your boyfriend?

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