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How to know a player(figurative approach)

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So I have a friend she met this guy she started dating him out of stupidity I guess.Hez name's tracy.She didn't even know his surname.Just his nickname denzel.So tracy denzel;opened up to him totally(thank God she didn't give in to the pressure of sex)Found out he was a deep player.He flirts on social media(twitter,bbm,IG)on an average of 2-3 per day.Anyway it was obvious because he didn't even add her on any social media except whatsapp of course and they have been dating for about 6months.Well long and short of the whole story is ladies;beware of guys like @choc_dee.He wreck you life completely.Don't fall in love...Stand in love

How to know a player(figurative approach)

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Sure hez 21,she has complained about it severally.they even recently had a serious fight for two weeks.He kept on pleading and pleading.Accordin to her anytime she complains.He kinds of improves on his communication for like the next 3days at most then he shuts down again.It was during one recent one he did dat we pulled a prank on him.Found out his twitter handle checked it out.As a matter of fact the guy has a deep interest in girls,he constantly tells them to follow back and sometimes even compliments can check it out @choc_dee.Unfortunately for him we he had his pin on his timeline so I added him(since he doesn't know me)and he was even the one to talk to me 1st.Cut the long story short he literraly gave me his no dat very 1st day we chatted.Obviously that's what he has been doing with the other girls.That was what lead to the 2weeks 1st.Altho she didn't reveal everything in detail.You wouldn't beleve @choc_dee denied it flat and then she broke up with him.For two weeks he kept on disturbing her.You know what amazes me is someone is such deep game will actually bother himself begging a regular girl like every other girl he flirts with.I said to my friend.OK let's say maybe he'll actually change.Now they are back together he's still the same if not worse.He didn't still add her up on social media and communicates with her poorly.I really don't think he's ready to de-flirt

How to know a player(figurative approach)

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People like that will get what they deserve in the end.The girl needed to have dumped this piece of garbage once she found out instead of talking to him about it.People like this guy thinks that he's the shit.He doesn't care if he's hurting his 'gf'...all he cares is about himself.One day his playing around will get him seriously hurt.

How to know a player(figurative approach)

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Soooo was there a question? o.o Just Kidding :) I know it was "figurative..." But I'm off of work today and have nothing to do its just miserable lol SO I'm gonna throw in my 2cents take it or leave it :D How to know a player 101 - :) Questions I would ask, is he a good talker? How good? If he's really slick then there's more to it than just a good personality. He's obviously had practice, could it be experience if so what kind? What's the difference? The difference is in how it is affecting you. If he seems to be doing everything right, then obviously its way too good to be true. Again he is showing skill through experience not personality. If you know what to look for he's gonna be a topnotch lair it's gonna be crazy insane to see how many lies he spits out in one sentence. If you can get him to repeat stories later on in the week or what not, they won't be the same unless he's got good memory recall. Buuuuut usually they don't, atleast not the legitimate kind. When getting into the subject of human memory there's a few differences. I won't go into them cause they are extensively long. But there's the sharp short term memory that is easy to recall. Then there more advanced difficult one to cultivate known as the long term. You'll hear of spec ops forces who train their agents in unique ways specifically for memory recall. Which is something these cunning lil devils rarely have. (keep in mind we are talking about PLAYER'S not CHEATER'S. Two drastically different people.) You must understand player's have made it almost a hobby. Some have even made it an addiction. So to their mind it is almost as simple as a game. They are emotionally unattached to the, "game." Thats on average, atleast from from my observations. So just as any hobby or addiction one must practice and practice to literally exhaustive lengths. Thinking of it just gives me a massive headache... all that socializing keeping track of all those temporary lies. Cheaters on the other hand usually have some kind of underlying emotional distress that for whatever reason is translated into cheating. Take the life of someone who is a "relationship frog" (o.o) for example. As i stated somewhat jokingly they are a frog and they need to be light on their toes. In reality thats kinda true. So their life is most likely going to be based around their skill. Meaning their jobs are usually not going to be topnotch, they're gonna be simplistic. Their jobs will usually be just enough to support the hobby/addiction for example a really awesome car that makes everyone else supposedly jealous despite the unseen facts of, debt, living in a "dump," or with roomates that share their viewpoint. My most favorite are the ones who body build for mass instead of strength, oh and they succeed to an extent but can't work a day in the yard cause its too hard, BUT again it would also depend on their approach. Because then you get the cowboy hat, boot wearn frog types that are all about adrenaline and hard work to impress. (different culture and all ya gotta take that into consideration too...) Sooooo I guess mainly im refering to rural/city players... :) Anywhoo They won't often be with parents still unless parents don't care because it would interfere with the hobby/addiction. Obviously they're going to be party goers and folks that like to flash some feathers... They're obviously going to be some very colorfully unique frogs... They're gonna maintain contact with ex's because its not reaaallly over no matter what they say. And this is how its gonna be until they decide to finally take life for real in which case they will be made obvious because they won't know how to have a real relationship. Then it will be sad because folks like me won't have much pitty for em lol Anyone who actually read that... sorry I am bored to tears over here lol

How to know a player(figurative approach)

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When i said "instead of strength" I meant instead of endurance... yea... fyi

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