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I have a boyfriend that keeps me away from my friends always gets mad at me for everything he is very controlling. We have broken up several times now and everything time we break up he calls me none stop he tells me he will change but of course he doesnt. I know i should know.better than to go back with him every time but iam afraid he is going to do something to me or himself. He tells me to say hi to all his family when we go visit but ignores mine and when we are with his friends he laughs and has a good time but when its time to have fun with my friends he always has a serious face. I have a best friend we are like sister and we go way back, and now he tells me that i spent to much time with her, he gets jealous of her and we are both straight girls. I dont want to be with him but i dont want hin to keep calling me or anything like that.


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So long as you give him control over your life and your happiness this is going to continue. Yes he has problems that make him act like he does but he needs to work through them. You have invested enough of your time and energy into this guy to try to be a good partner but the time has come for you to be good to yourself now. Make what ever decision is best for you and stick with it. He has had enough chances to do the right thing so his time is up. Your happiness will come from putting yourself first and making sure your needs are met. To give that control to another is leaving you open to being let down constantly. Be strong. Be firm and do what is best for you. Good luck.

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