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Annoying mom

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Well my mom moved in with me I thought it was gonna be OK because she said she would help me out but instead she's getting on my fucking nerves with all off here fake yawning and her faking being sick. She gets mad if I go to my sister in laws house she wont let me sleep she's constantly asking me where is my bro why hasn't he came over where did he go were was he. I can't take it anymore!! Fuck!

Annoying mom

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So..why did your mom move in with you to begin with? You need to sit her down and tell her what you've told people on this forum but in a much nicer way. How old are you? You sound like a grown person who is frustrated with having a parent still treat you like you're a little child.You need to make things clear to her that you need your space and to stop bugging you.

Annoying mom

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I've been in this situation and let me tell you what I had to do to get a peace of mind. I had to sit my parent down and tell them- very frankly and very honestly- how I expected things to be in MY house. Because she is your mother, she probably still has that mentality that puts you in a child's place and wants to control you, even if just a little bit. But things are different. You're both adults now, and you need to tell her to respect you like and adult. Explain to her that it is YOUR house and you have YOUR OWN house rules. Tell her you have expectations of her, for example take out the trash, take turns cooking, etc. Also, don't feel like you have to explain your life to her. You can come and go as you please lol. And if she wants to know why your brother hasn't called, tell her to talk to him yourself.

Annoying mom

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It sounds to me like you have a manipulative parent and she thinks that you owe her something because she was a parent to you. That is not a Healy relationship with your parent, not to mention, nobody should ever have to pay anybody back for being a parent. Set up some rules and boundaries with her because you are no longer a child and she no longer has authority over you. She is in your house, so she needs to go by your rules, and if she can't grasp that, then she needs to pack up and leave point blank. I won't even put up with that shit from my parents. Sorry, I shouldn't have to pay you back for being my parent, and not only that, I didn't ask for you to have me in the first place.

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