Can't stop watching pornography
NOT AN ANT - Jan 6 2015 at 15:45
Well it was never my choice to start watching. when I was about 11 I was introduced to it by my older cousin, I immediately wanted to watch more I couldn't though so for time i never saw any of it again. Until we where over at a friends where he showed us again where i felt so guilty i tried to stop but slowly i started masturbating more and looking at lustful images and slowly got into agian and now sadly im stuck and trying to stop desprately
You've become addicted to a drug. Aside from regular drugs, this one triggers your mind itself to create the chemically altered state. And this drug has proven to exert a long-term negative impact on your romantic relationship attitude. It hobbles you, in other words... makes you incapable of eventually being life-long marriage partner material.
So like any drug, you need to either go Cold Turkey until you inevitably, quite quickly adapt, or to take the (yawn) longer route of weaning yourself off bit by bit.
Do you tend to prefer short, sharp discomfort or lesser discomfort dragged out over a lengthier period? Whatever type you are determines which method will prove successful.
How old are you? Are you old enough to go get and start cultivating the real deal (steady girlfriend) yet? Or are you avoiding the real deal for some reason?
No i am far to young I am 17 and i would preferably get it over quickest possible. I really appreciate you reply to this post. It has taking me some time but now i am sure i would like to make a change in my life
You need to see if you can start going to counseling for this because you will never be able to have a normal relationship with any female if you don't deal with this addiction now. Any woman who tells you that they like to watch porn..well what they're saying to you is that they like to watch it only if they're watching it with their partner.Now obviously you want to do it by yourself ..a lot. Well most woman don't like that and the ones who say that they don't mind if their man watches porn..they're really lying to themselves and anyone else who will listen. It does desensitize a person after awhile too.You need to look into all of that. Please get help.It will make your life a whole lot better for you in the long run.
Yes, or equally as often they're Desperate, approval-seeking, macho-male-pandering Debbies who ALSO "love" football, beer, Xbox, open relationships, swinging, blah-blah, "no, REALLY they do!" (see her I Really Do! face :-p), and would probably go as far as to get "Top Tottie" tattoo-ed onto their foreheads just to ensure they're never left on the shelf.
Things that make you go, BLEUGH! lol
(NotAnAnt, you're utterly welcome! You sound bloomin' grown-up and wise for a 17-year-old! Excellent start! :-) You'll be just fine.)
Okay i can understand your perspective perfectly well, i also am a 17 year old male. Anyway to get this out of the way, i do not think that masturbation is a bad thing to do or you should be putting yourself or feel bad for doing it. But as purple kitty was saying, if you do have a girlfriend and she is putting this upon you and she is saying that she does not feel comfortable with it then you just have to respect that. In a relationship you have to respect your significant others comfort zones to lead a healthy relationship. Now there is a few ways you can get over it. This sounds weird but i mean it works, if you feel horny or aroused. go to the bathroom and take a pee. Now this sounds really silly but the truth is that usually that does the trick for a lot of men. Also you can just try to keep your hands busy doing other things, playing video games while you are alone etc. If you are out with friends and they are influencing and pressuring you to do it and you're feeling uncomfortable just straight up leave the room for the time being while they are doing it. Go to the bathroom, and just browse on your phone. Or another way could be to just do it, get the whole masturbation addiction that most people have when they first start out of the way and you will sort of get bored anyway. Now i dont recommend that last part but im just trying to give you all the advice i can. Good luck :)
Bloody Nora, Maxipoo - you're only 17 as well? Jeez! I thought you were about 25! (And then there's our Keekay whom I thought must be about 30 when it turns out he's only 23!)
Mind if I ask you lads whether you were raised by divorced or single mums or had a very mentally close and honest relationship with your mums?
Anyway, personally, I think you guys sound emotionally mature enough to date, and possibly should go for women who are one or two years OLDER than you.
Your a normal 17 year old boy. Masturbation is not a bad thing nor should you feel guilty. Its a normal thing and if you enjoy it then good for you. And this is coming from a girl who is currently with a man whos Porn crazed. If your looking for a long term relationship or even a casual one. Watching porn 24/7 isnt the answer, Now i dont agree to sex underage but if you do heres a few hints.
Females DO NOT want to feel replaced nor undervalued. My man currently will ignore me for his internet fantasys, he finds them more important and more desirable. Now pay in mind most porn stars do not look like average girls, porn is not a good representation of what sex should be like. My man barely wants anything to do with me because he cant stop looking at other women. And it hurts. The real deal is always better then ANYTHING you can find on the net. Now if your alone and your girls away or if you dont have one. Then do as you see fit. Be discreet. DO NOT let your fantasys rule your life. DO NOT let the net become more important than another human being. But in any case, you should not feel guilty its a normal thing i assure you to like to watch porn. It is unhealthy however if porn is the center of your universe over all else. Hope this helped.
SOULMATE - no i have not been raised by a single mom, i live in a rather healthy family with two loving and religious parents. I did however spend most of my life moving back and forth between Germany, Singapore, and the United States. I have had a lot of different experience with different cultures and i had a chance to observe how different teenagers acted given different situations. Every time i moved from one country to another i always had the opportunity to start new, and create a new me. I was never really close to family or parents, i tend to push them away i'm a bit rebellious towards them :/ having tattoos and a piercing even though completely viewed as taboo in our family. Nonetheless they love me, but that was just to answer your question if i had close relations with my parents. I feel like a persons environment has a large impact on a persons way of thinking, and having had the chance of exploring and living in a few of these 'environments' really had a great impact on me.
Clearly genuinely, spiritually religious, then. Cos actions including mini-me products speak louder than words and titles. Innit. :-) Well done mum and dad! Including the fact they allow for vital, within-reason rebellions (which is the kid stretching the chrysalis as creates more room for growth and strenghtening).
"I feel like a persons environment has a large impact on a persons way of thinking"
GOD, yes! Although the jury's now in regarding the age-old Nature versus Nurture debate, the verdict being this:
Nature trumps Nurture *unless* that nurturing was EXTREME (which can mean either end - overly good or overly bad). Obviously, then, if you have good genes *and* good, *balanced* upbringing including cultural influences, you're laffing.
(Sorry for the brief thread mutineering, Ant. I'll shut up now. Albeit it is relative in a way.)