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Am I going to jail?

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About a month and a half ago I discovered my coworker and friend was having an affair with my husband. I was angry and hurt and I lashed out at her. I downloaded a free texting app called pinger and text now. I did not use my real information. I sent her many texts telling her I knew what she did and that she should die A week ago I received a call from a police officer asking me what I know about the texts. He told me that he was going to subpeona the texting apps. He told me he would find out who was doing it. I immediately stopped all communication with her. My question is, was he trying to scare me to stop? And two, since I stopped will they follow through with the subpeona? Am I going to jail? Please help me, I can't sleep. I know I was wrong

Am I going to jail?

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Agree. That thought was what immediately crossed my own mind when reading it, and that's *before* I clocked Mona's post. I'd have thought an Officer would have called IN PERSON. Furthermore, HOW, if not already from the texts, did he know to call your particular number in the first place? If your number were registered against those texts then surely he'd not be ASKING whether you sent them nor saying he COULD (future tense) find out because he apparently already had all the proof he needs, meaning, you'd definitely be called on in-person (in order to arrest or issue a friendly caution). Unless I'm misunderstanding something here, this doesn't compute. What does compute, as Mona alludes to, is that this (hah!) friend/coworker understandably suspects it must be you and (presumably) knows your phone number and has enlisted some bloke's help in scaring you into stopping. Did you get his name and which station he was from? If so, before calling a solicitor, you could phone the station and ask if they can confirm how his surname is spelled (as if to imply, in case questioned, that you're an 'I know nothing else' temping secretary whose boss wishes to send correspondence for his attention), find out that way. I think it's understandable that you wanted to hurt her, thus reasonable grounds for making huge allowance. I mean, it's bad enough finding out your husband's betrayed you, let alone your friend on top! Double whammy. I feel for you, I really do. And I'm sure any human, even in any official capacity, would do likewise. But I think worrying about it would be a waste of time when, given mine and Mona's independently matching suspicion, and especially in light of the huge shock and stress you were suffering, I imagine even if it were real, all you'd get was a caution.

Am I going to jail?

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Ok, soooo I don't know where your at. But I used to be a Cadet to my local county sheriffs office awhile back and if i learned nothing else police act when they have proof. They don't threaten or "tip their hand" to a suspect, which you may very well be already. Plus the person who would contact you is usually going to be a bailiff or a detective if considered serious enough. Unless he gave you a verifiable police badge ID as well as name and name of the county and police station as well as how the hell he even got the number I would worry more about all that first... But I would also consider this. Police have to a ton to worry about. Atleast in the U.S. they consider the entire situation. Its better to have you kept out of jail than in jail because our prison and jail systems are ridiculously over flowing, judges know this. Such extremes are usually gonna be left to those who take it tooo far. Like if you still continued to threaten the individual in question or if a psychological profile revealed that you are a risk to others safety. If it turns out that your not a risk and that this whole cheating relationship is revealed, they'll basically scrub it maybe charge you a fine. Maybe place certain restrictions it depends on the judge. Hope he has a sense of humor. And WHATEVER YOU DO, be honest. You were mad, beyond hurt you were thinking emotionally you had no intention of acting on your words and you know it was wrong. Trust me that will go a lot more smoother than accusing someone else and may even get you alil empathy on the part of the court to reduce any consequences. You know how you will hear on a tv show or on live tv where an officer says, "I know your lying to me." Thats because they have people lie to them left and right forward and back they hear all kinds of excuses. As stupid as people want to make them out to be even the corrupt ones, they have those psychological skills to read someones body language as well as how they speak or their response is what their eyes are telling them. That goes mostly for any person working in that profession. I know i just said what soulmate did but... i just read what she wrote lol so take it or leave it

Am I going to jail?

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Agree with both of the previous posters to a large degree. I'm less skeptical that the person who called you was a police officer. Sounds like the two of them (your ex and friend) aren't really the most compassionate people on earth to begin with and wouldn't hesitate to throw you (already hurting, but want to get rid of you) under the proverbial bus. Investigating officers simply state their name and what department they are from and why they are calling (not their badge number, etc) so if you're curious, do what SoulMate suggested and just see if that Officer even exists. Google him. Call the station. See what you can find out. But beyond the fear - You stopped. That matters and will count for something (agreeing again with both previous posters) and the fact that these people were really cruel to you (temporary insanity could totally fly here. Not sarcasm). Whether they did or did not actually press charges will emerge in time. In the meantime, let them both go and process through your healing in healthier ways. That will matter if it DOES end up in court. The fuzz have bigger fish to fry than texts from a jilted ex-lover. Try to relax, address your feelings and heal them and let this play out. Your obvious lack of knowledge in the legal system implies that you've likely not been in trouble before and that will also serve you well here. Breathe. It would not benefit any city to pay for your trial, (not worth it) nor would your ex be able to claim any "loss of wages or mental aguish" that you yourself can't counterclaim So the likelihood of them taking on a lawyer to, what, get money from you by winning a trial? is so unlikely it's almost laughable. This would be a wash in court, if in the highly unlikely event that it did ever make it there, and every Officer (worth their salt) will yawn at it, as well as any judge or jury. The absolute, positively worst that could happen, assuming you've been in no previous trouble with the law before, is a slap on the wrist, a court fee and possibly some anger management, or community service. No city would waste their money/resources on putting you in jail. Rest easy.

Am I going to jail?

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(Hey, where's Mona's post gone??)

Am I going to jail?

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Well, no, you didn't just repeat what I said Keekay because you had inside factual info. ...Sorry... *Officer* Keekay. :-) [salutes]

Am I going to jail?

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As did you, TF. Nice one, lads!

Am I going to jail?

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lol just a previous cadet not officer (like an apprenticeship to an officer at ages 16-19)

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