HELP!! Need advice to help my lover get a divorce
CANLOVEMACHINE - Jan 30 2015 at 06:29
So here is the deal, I am in love with a married woman and she is in love with me. She just has no idea how to leave her husband. Here is how things happened, the names have been changed to protect the beautiful, hick, and the witch.
I met the hick and the witch playing a video game. Shortly after that I met the beautiful. Now the beautiful and the hick are married. Since I am a love machine I friended both the witch and the beautiful and started to work my magic on them both. At first the witch was a little more open to it but she was ugly compared to the beautiful and I think she was faking her sexual desires. Where the beautiful was amazingly gorgeous, like super model sexy. She opened up a little about her sexual desires and damn she was a freak and I wanted her! I could tell she wanted me too. As it turns out the hick and the witch were friends and with a little help from me the witch ruined the friendship between the 3 of them. Shortly after the big fight, I went to visit the beautiful. I could only stay a short time because of her husband and kids. But while the hick was at work, two of the kids were in school and the 3rd napped, we made sweet passionate love! Let me tell you it was amazing!!
From what she tells me, the hick isn't good in bed and he could care less if he has sex (he is not right!). Any man that does not pleasure his woman does not deserve her! Well the beautiful is frustrated with the hick and her sex life and she wants to explore more role playing / domination type desires. She wants me to pleasure her again. She knows that I am the better man but doesn’t know how to kick the hick to the curb. Does anyone have any advice on how I can help her? I really need advice, this is not a joke. Her marriage was over a while ago and she is not sure how to leave him. I know it sounds crazy but we are in love and I just want to help her leave him.
Yea sure... leave her be. All i see from this post is someone who is immature and selfish. You couldn't care less about her kids or her future. All you care about is sex from this post at least. I sincerely hope this is not all of who you are otherwise you, the individual, are a very weak minded individual who is going to cause a lot of trouble for this woman and whatever family she may hope to have.
Sorry, pal, but I'm with Keekay on this. You sound like a self-centred toddler in a grown-up suit, who hasn't developed your ego beyond Id to Ego and Super-Ego, playing in a grown-ups' world. I suggest you take a long, hard look at yourself and try to work on making yourself a better man.
I wish everyone would understand, she does not love her husband. He is immature, all he does is play video games and fly little airplanes. When we had sex, she said I was the best lover she ever had. She got married young and made a mistake. She sees her mistake and just wants to fix it.
I was floored by your last post. That’s the kind of post I almost want to delete for you so you can retype it. You stated, “He is immature, all he does is play video games and fly little airplanes.” While in your original post you yourself stated, “I met the hick and the witch playing a video game.” Do you float little boats instead of fly airplanes? Please tell me you see the humor, irony, and mistake within those two sentences alone.
From all this you sound exactly as Soulmate said it, “a self-centred toddler in a grown-up suit.” Sex doesn’t make a man a man. Sex satisfies the physical aspect of a human urge/desire/impulse. From my understanding women look at sex very differently than men do. You have not once mentioned to us features about her personality, about her intelligence or about the individual she is. Not to mention her likes and dislikes. This tells me one, you don’t care about her. Two, this is, “lust,” not love. Three, you really don’t understand women as well as you think you do. Then four, as soon as she realizes just what you are, you’re gonna be a regret in her journal later down the road. As for “she sees her mistake and just wants to fix it.” It’s painfully clear that she doesn’t if that truly is the case because she’s making the exact same mistake with you.
FYI believe it or not this isn’t meant to INSULT you. This is meant to hopefully slap reality and sense into you. If you’re offended then it’s because truth hurts. If not then you’re more gone than I thought.
There is a difference, I game in a week what the hick games in a day. I do understand her needs and wants and I want to make her happy. I doubt she will regret me.
And the hick is very immature. He was more concerned about the witch than he was about me talking to his wife. Luckily I got the witch out of the picture and she will never be back! The hick says he loves the beautiful and will do anything she wants but I don’t believe him at all.
She knows how to leave him, she just doesn't want to leave him and never will. She wants to have fun with you, and the only way she can keep you around to have fun with is by lying about leaving her husband.
CLM I'm done, good luck to you.
She may NOT be lying about leaving her husband (despite it's already looking doubtful if CLM has reached this amount of desperate to make her shift her arse whilst she's claiming she, a grown adult, doesn't know how). But Susie's question was all too salient.
Too many men and women these days have been taught to be weak, lazy minded and helpless. They do want out of their relationship (because it's easier than working on it). But they haven't got or don't want to employ what it takes to make that much of a life change on their own. So they hitch a ride on (this case) some bloke.
Ah, but they don't want to believe they're mercenary users, oh no. So they kid themselves they're in love with him and in the process manage to kid him too. Obviously the relationship, being built on a lie, can't succeed so never does, whereupon they have the temerity to call it a rebound.
Rebound my arse. Free-of-charge removals van come taxi come welfare office, more like it.
She tells you you're the BEST. Yeah, well, what ELSE is she going to say - duuu-uu-uuh? Anyone can say that; talking's so easy we can even do it right before we die. It's sustained or repeat patterns of *actions* that speak the truth and nothing but.
"Since I am a love machine I friended both the witch and the beautiful and started to work my magic on them both."
This is you admitting you went in being just after sex. From the highest bidder. So how did you end up as this wom-GIRL'S ready-and-waiting vehicle?
And why, as Susie pointed out, is she dithering? Is the truth niggling and stopping her? Because whether you know it or not, you DO sound immature - just in a seemingly different style to him. Emphasis on seemingly. He plays with his joystick all week and YOU PLAY WITH YOUR JOYSTICK ALL WEEK. So if maturity is the problem, why would a woman choose to jump from the frying pan into ANOTHER frying pan?! Also, why hadn't she left him before you met?
Now the moral aspect:
Those poor, poor little kids... Don't get me wrong - if their parents' relationship merely falls too far outside the ideal, meaning it's better if they no longer get to sit there sponging it up as their future, firmly fixed and steel-reinforced template of what one should settle for and daily behave like, of course it's better that these two split... for all concerned. But it's upsetting enough when both parents are mentally prepared thus can just about deal with it - calmly, rationally and at least civilly if not amicably - without it having to be a majorly devastating LIVING NIGHTMARE... one that these kids WON'T be protectively well-guided through, given how she's clearly out for herself enough to risk their welfare in the first place...not to mention dishonest enough not to have allowed her husband to at least prepare himself rather than his kids having to watch him writing in shock and agony on the floor!
Imagine if some bloke had helped your own mother do that to you and your dad back when you were little. How would YOU have liked it?
How could you, HOW COULD YOU EVEN *THINK* OF willingly aiding and abetting the traumatisation of, what is it - three? little kids like that! Me, I call that child abuse... mental rape. What do YOU call it, CLM? What else CAN you call it? And what are you going to do with three kids who despise the very bones of you? Be their heroic rescuer who took them away from 'all of that'? NOT POSSIBLE. You're the monster under the bed. Only you, not her - because her they can't AFFORD to despise; their survival instincts won't let them, not whilst they still rely on her. How's *that* for foreplay, eh?
So, great... You're going to come out of this not only stressed and defeated but feeling conned and used AND with a life-long snout that you see staring back at you daily in the mirror. Even if the relationship lasts it'll only be because you can't face openly admitting you made a gross error of judgement. Because if she can cheat on the father of her children then what will make YOU so impossible to cheat on at whatever point?
You haven't even thought this through, have you. Not remotely! Too busy admiring your joystick.
I know I said was done but i have to 100% back Soulmate about the kids. She's the artillery of this forum so ill leave you in her capable hands ;)
LOL - the artillery. What are you, then, Keekay? Catering? :-D
I am not the bad guy here, I am the savior. The witch is the bad guy. She thinks that men and women can be just friends. She also thinks that she has this special brother type friendship with the hick. It is all a bunch of BS. Men and women can not be friends, sex will always get in the way.
Soulmate - You know it. CATERING WITH THE FOOD OF KNOWLEDGE! (try to) It just get's messy... :D
SDQ: In his mind he is living a video game only without reality :/
CLM... I can't believe you just opened that can of hell that might rain down from that statement... "Men and women can not be friends, sex will always get in the way." That opinion is as old as the bible! Dude, were in the twentieth century. PLEASE tell me your not that narrow minded. If you really are thinking like this you need to check yer "gauges of life," you have some serious mechanical issues that need a professional.
And your right, your not a bad guy... just narrow minded with an ego brighter than the sun you walk under. When you said your the "savior" of this little plot i couldn't stop laughing so i hope that you meant that as a joke. The title of "savior" in this sense means liberator (hero) so wanna know what a "self-appointed" liberator is? A "misguided reactionary." This is because your not taking ANY advice. You aren't listening to experience, fact, and truth. You came here expecting us to just fall in line. We are telling you, WE DO NOT SEE A SAVIOR, in this plot. We see an impulsive wanna-be.
From this your last post alone, you have shown me this about character. "The witch is the bad guy." Good job Holmes. I know very few things that depict a "witch" as a good guy. So that was impulsive you didn't proof read for sure. What have we been telling you? YOUR IMPULSIVE! That sentence about the "witch" in itself is an OPINION not a fact. By the way, that tells me your run on emotions. Because if you had control of them, I wouldn't be able to tell the extent of which this disturbs you and you would be able to hear for understanding instead of trying to prove your point.
Another thing, you gave these folks "opinionated titles," you could have changed their names or even done a numerical system. This tells me what I've been telling you. YOUR NARROW MINDED! You see people in very simplistic ways. Before they open their mouths you have an opinion.
You stated "it is all a bunch of BS." This opinion about women and men being able to be friends irritates you. I call that an insecurity. That's again an impulsive opinionated sentence that you felt HAD to be voiced for us to better understand you. That is an insecurity trying to escape, it also has a story behind it. So that was further revealing.
Last, sex is an issue with you. "sex will always get in the way." I wasn't lying... ITS AN ISSUE WITH YOU, really you basically just said it yourself in that last sentence. You need help. You see it as though it classify's you as a man. Now granted society sees performance that way as well. But believe it or not sex is not the glue that holds marriages and relationships together. (Then what happens? They end up depressed and needing consultation when they realize its actually not and their relationship is sinking like the titanic. Hmm... I might write my final essay on that. lol) Sex is a choice. That's evident just in walking around in society. You obviously don't jump on any woman you see because you choose not too.
Nice try (especially you, Keekay (and your coffee ;-)), but forget it. There's now't can be done here. Because I said:
"Those poor, poor little kids... Don't get me wrong - if their parents' relationship merely falls too far outside the ideal, meaning it's better if they no longer get to sit there sponging it up as their future, firmly fixed and steel-reinforced template of what one should settle for and daily behave like, of course it's better that these two split... for all concerned. But it's upsetting enough when both parents are mentally prepared thus can just about deal with it - calmly, rationally and at least civilly if not amicably - without it having to be a majorly devastating LIVING NIGHTMARE... one that these kids WON'T be protectively well-guided through, given how she's clearly out for herself enough to risk their welfare in the first place...not to mention dishonest enough not to have allowed her husband to at least prepare himself rather than his kids having to watch him writhing in shock and agony on the floor!
Imagine if some bloke had helped your own mother do that to you and your dad back when you were little. How would YOU have liked it?
How could you, HOW COULD YOU EVEN *THINK* OF willingly aiding and abetting the traumatisation of, what is it - three? little kids like that! Me, I call that child abuse... mental rape. What do YOU call it, CLM? What else CAN you call it? And what are you going to do with three kids who despise the very bones of you? Be their heroic rescuer who took them away from 'all of that'? NOT POSSIBLE. You're the monster under the bed. Only you, not her - because her they can't AFFORD to despise; their survival instincts won't let them, not whilst they still rely on her. How's *that* for foreplay, eh?"
"I am not the bad guy here, I am the savior. The witch is the bad guy. She thinks that men and women can be just friends. She also thinks that she has this special brother type friendship with the hick. It is all a bunch of BS. Men and women can not be friends, sex will always get in the way."
Translation: No, the sky is *not* Blue. But if it is, it's someone else's fault.
Nuff said. If it pricked his conscience on any level, he's obviously not going to tell US it did.
You'll learn...."maybe nat chtoday, but shooon...and foy de rest of yoy life".
That's why i called her our artillery...
Look, if the witch didn't become friends with the hick then none of ths would have happened! Both of them have mental issues! Hell if I could have them commited, I would! The beautiful and I are the only sane ones.
You guys have just given me an idea! Thank you! Now, do any of you know who to call in the states to report a psycho?
Oh, I see. Not that I'm surprised. Been banned from your Xbox for a fortnight, were you, sonny? Well, I guess it's flattering in a way to see we compete with a games console.
Bye-bye, nighty-night, say Hi to Teddy for me.
"Do any of you know who to call in the states to report a psycho?" - yea that's easy, call the nearest mental institution. They'll be more than happy to help... :]
I am the sane one and am not in the states. The witch needs to go! Why do you people insist on making me look like the bad guy?
"Why do you people insist on making me look like the bad guy?" - If multiple people are telling you the same thing. Why are you asking this question? If you seriously cannot understand then you really really need to do some soul searching seriously.
Or maybe everyone is just jealous that I slept with the most beautiful woman on the planet and her dumb ass husband doesn't know and probably doesn't care anyway. He doesn't have the balls to stand up to her anyway. What she says goes. Hell my beautiful told the hick he wasn't allowed to talk to the witch ever again and he won't talk to her.
See CLM you don't hear, you don't listen. Why do we think your the bad guy in this pitiful little plot? We pity you because one day your gonna be humbled and its gonna be miserable for you. But it is going to be well deserved for how narrow minded an individual you are and all the suffering you will cause not only to her and her children but to who ever you are with. You think we really care that you slept with someone YOU consider beautiful? Then you have no idea what life is about if that is what you consider a trophy. I've spoken to young boys who have shown a much better stature as a man than you and it didn't take an act of sex for them to be a man. Your a flimflam to both yourself and the outside world. It's simply a matter of time before she realizes it and when you do as well, either because you managed to grow up or because all the women see ya for what ya really are. I have seen and read your story over and over again, its predictable and an all too common error in judgement. But it is entirely your choice in the end cause there is nothing I can do. But let me know if your so called "Beautiful" individual comes online or posts a post and I along with everyone else will be more than happy to explain what you are in detail so she can see it as well.
Also, CLM, think about WHY I concluded this had to be a 10-year-old's hoax... what it was you said and the way you said it.
Furthermore, if "the beautiful" is resentful at her husband for having crossed boundaries with "the witch" or even got threateningly, disrespectfully and humiliatingly too close for her liking, then you, matey, are nothing but a revenge tool... someone dragged into their Tweedledum and Tweedledumber specifically for an aim...a SHORT-TERM aim.
Use your noddle, for goodness' sake.
Typo: ....[and Tweedledumber] BATTLE...
So I have been thinking about what everyone here has said and I think you are all just as crazy as the witch! I will find a way to help my love without any of your advice! I will find a way to have the witch committed! And if you want to tell the witch and the hick what I think go right ahead, it can only help me!
We are all in our 30s and you are just jealous of my amazing relationship!
Okay, then, DON'T use your noddle.
Bon voyage.
But I think I can speak for everyone here when I say, If you think we're the crazy ones then thank god for that! Because if you thought we were all sane, we'd clearly be in BIG TROUBLE.
rofl, i feel really bad for you did in your 30s and still have the mind of a child. Also know how you have that plan on getting the "witch?" committed just be careful wouldn't want you to be committed while trying to commit her. They usually hire smart people to do that kinda job and might find you out... :)
Here is law where the witch lives:
If the person refuses all voluntary help, s/he may be appropriate for involuntary treatment. It is important to remember that a mental disorder alone is not sufficient to justify an involuntary detention.
Under state mental illness laws, these are the specific circumstances where a person can be considered for involuntary hospitalization:
if s/he has threatened harm towards others or her/himself
or s/he has substantially damaged someone else's property
or s/he is endangered because s/he is not caring for his/her basic needs such as eating sleeping, clothing and shelter due to his/her mental disorder
or s/he shows severe deterioration in functioning ability and is not receiving essential care
Very simple, I just call and report her. She goes away and loses her rights! What could be better!
Sorry, but I'm finding it too hard at this point to believe this is a serious thread.
Someone call Xbox Maintenance!
Even better! Please tell me how my life is fake! Just helps me if they ever find this... hahahaha
yea Soulmate this guy has just been messing around for attention since the beginning but it was fun to mess around back. :D
BECAUSE, "sir", you think like a CHILD. And I'm not even talking teenager.
Even giving you the benefit of the doubt, how on earth am I, or anyone here, supposed to get a kid in a grown man suit to get his head around a number of adult concepts that require adult intellect? Er, duh?
I mean, have you read this thread back and HEARD yourself yet? If you have and you still can't see what's wrong with your whole thinking then, god help you!
This is what I'm trying to impress upon you: You sound like a joke, like you can't POSSIBLY be for real! So until you start to SOUND like you're actually a full grown adult - I can't help you.
(PS Keekay - yep, noted, can't say I blame you.)
CLM, if the beautiful intended to leave him, she would have left him when she got to know about the witch. While she makes herself clear by telling the hick to stay away from the witch, do you understand that? She doesn't trust you enough to leave the hick and she never will.
And by the way, sending the witch off, accomplishes nothing. Hick can always find another witch (unless you plan to stand by as a guard their full life).
Well put!
You are all crazy! But hell if you want to email the witch and the hick go right ahead, I will even give you their info.
Descartes, the famous philosopher, goes into a coffee house and orders a coffee. The waitress asks him, 'Do you want cream with that?'. Descartes responds, 'I think not'. POOF! He disappears!
Try it.