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Confused single female

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Hello, So I am looking for a little advice. I have been single for a while and have been wanting to start a relationship. I tried online dating and actually found someone who lives in my apartment building. We both have a lot in common, both working in the medical field. However, he told me that he doesn't think he is ready for a relationship. He says that in the past he has a tendency to go from one relationship to the next. We hang out several time a week and have talked just about everything. We have both been very open about what we want and we are looking for. Since hanging out, we have become closer but it is now getting to the point that I am having a hard time not developing feelings. I don't want to stop hanging out and lose him as a friend but I want to protect myself from being hurt. I'm not quite sure what I should be doing in this type of situation. Any advice?

Confused single female

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If he compliments you a lot then there's a good chance he feels the same way..I say let him know you're starting get feelings for him..maybe tell him in a lighthearted way so that you don't seem to needy or scare him away..for example you could just say, "so this is crazy but I think I'm starting to get some real feelings for you" or if he asks for any kind of help you can jokingly say "you're lucky you're cute"/"you're lucky Im into you." "I don't stop what I'm doing to help out just anybody you know." ..If you don't let him know you have feelings for him what are you going to do? Sit back and eventually watch another girl nab him while you pretend you're ok with it? ..

Confused single female

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I think you should speak with the truth because then you will avoid getting hurt it will be easier to le Go now then later on when you felt in love already good luck Hopefully he feels the same

Confused single female

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I can relate to your conundrum. I am also in my twenties (26) and have been quite content being single until recently so I've tried meeting guys. Long story short I haven't ended up with Prince charming living happily ever after, In fact it has been a bit of a painful process. Feelings of inadequacy have lead me to putting up with a fair bit of crap. I've accepted unacceptable behaviour by not being assertive at ensuring I was treated with the same respect I always conveyed. In saying that, being new to relationships, I've learnt some really invaluable lessons about myself and what I do and do not want in a partner. I have a better relationship with myself than I've ever had and although I'm still single, I feel a lot surer of myself, what I want and the possibility of achieving it. I think if you want to have any type of meaningful relationship with someone you need to be honest with yourself and prepare to make mistakes and to be be hurt, but also trust yourself that you'll move on from it and be in an even better position of knowing exactly what you want.

Confused single female

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GCW - thats pretty narley I like that post I will continue to hope that you continue to find prince charming but moreso that you continue to respect yourself. :I

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