Really confused

DIAMOND GIRL - Feb 4 2015 at 18:58
About a year and a half ago I ran across an old high school flame, on Facebook. It was the day after his birthday, so I sent him a happy birthday wish. Since that day, we talk at least four or five times a week, we instant message, in other words we keep pretty close contact. We talk about his kids, he is divorced, we talked about my kids. Talk about all the things going on in our lives. He lives in Florida, and I live in Washington state. We have talked about me coming to visit him (I have flight benefits so it doesn't cost me anything). He said I could stay with him, but I would get a hotel. I feel such a strong connection to him ( we dated for 2.5 years). We have both made it very clear to each other neither of us will be leaving where we live now. should I go visit him"
Yeah why not. If theres a connection go or it. It doesn't have to be serious yet. Go with the flow and see how it goes. Whats the worst that could happen?
You never want to pass up a chance to find love. The 'living situation' could become a issue in the long run, and it's something you'll need to work should your relationship work out... But yeah, visit him...
Ask yourself this, if you do visit him, and spend time with him, and fall in love with him... How much would you give up for that love? Is your living situation more important than love?
The same situation happened to me and I went to meet him. Right down to booking a hotel. We went out for dinner. To make it short, I left my marriage, he moved to my town to be with me and thought everything was just how it was supposed to be.
I was unhappy in my marriage (my husband is a good man) but it wasn't enough at the time.
Now I'm living with incredible guilt and shame that is far worse than unhappiness. So, from my point of view, it has not been worth at all.
Hope my experience helps.