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Sexually frustrated with boyfriend.

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I'm in a commited relationship with a man of whom I love dearly, I wouldn't trade him for any other man nor woman but our sex life is horrible. In March it'll be a year into our relationship and the past 6 months are so I've notice how inexperienced he was compared to me( which wasn't problem),we've talked about the issue numerous of times on what things turn me on, how to do it, etc and with all the talking and demonatrating I have done he either never applies it or does what he chooses to do in the bedroom. (Outside of sex he doesn't listen period when it comes to certain things) with my observation, he has issues with taking what information he's given and doesn't apply them ( like following directions more to say) I've told him that I was afraid to one day cheat on him because I can satisfy him but he doesn't satisfy me, the only time I cum is when I'm on top. He comes to fast and when I on top he tells me to slower my rhythm which throws me all off because I like what I like. Maybe my vagina is to good for him, idk. He tells me he think he needs help or counseling because he doesn't (and I don't) want to end things because I'm not being satisfied. I'll rather leave him than cheat because I never done so before, but either decision I make will leave me miserable.

Sexually frustrated with boyfriend.

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Exactly! You would be doing him a favor by allowing him to get over this inevitable break up sooner than later when more damage is done. Just let the poor guy go so that both of you can find happiness. Sometimes you just have to realize when two people aren't compatible...and that's you guys. You long to be in sync with more than one way. So stop stalling your chance at what you really want and make a change.

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