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Confused n confused

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I have been friends with this guy for about 8 years and we are very close. He is one of my best friends and I respect and appreciate his friendship a lot. I have had feelings for him for a while now (about 6 months) but I never told him. We both moved away for job/study and now live in 2 diff countries. I feel like i want more but I dont know how to tell him, I am afraid of him rejecting me but i am also afraid of what happens if he does love me too. How the hell will the relationship work??

Confused n confused

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Now that you both live in two different counties, do you still talk often? Is there going to be any likelihood that you two will ever live in the same area again? I think you should consider that first, because whichever one of you moved away because of your career may decide to make that a permanent change, which impacts the success of your relationship later if it remains long distance. If the two of you are not going to be separated by different counties all that long, then the only thing to do is tell him how you feel. Be confident and express yourself. If he rejects you, then move on. Don't worry about your friendship because that is only one-sided right now until you reveal your true feelings. To him, YOU are his friend at the moment. But to you, HE is the one you want to be with. So lets pretend you never told him anything at all about your feelings...Do you really want to sit back and watch his life go about when he graduates or gets promoted? Or when he meets a new girl? Or when they get engaged? I think not. You want to be that girl who is by his side for all that life has in store for him. So be honest and tell him how you feel because you only have this one life. Make it the life you want. Don't be afraid. If he loves you too, well.....That's great and NOTHING to be afraid about!!!!! Embrace it and just be yourself which is who he fell in love with.

Confused n confused

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you are still in contact with each other? or u talk often? i think u should tell him how u feel about him,,then u will also know what he thinks about you,, otherwise you will be confused and more confused.,Don't be afraid :)

Confused n confused

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Hi! I feel compelled to reply to your problem, since I've faced a similar one. I fell in love (completely and madly) with my best friend fron my erasmus (study abroad) two years ago. I was very scared to act on it because we lived too far away and I didn't think it would ever work out. She gave me some signs and said some things that made me think "hey, she must like me back!" So I told her how I felt right as we were saying goodbye and I was leaving for good. She cried a little bit as I left. She later asked me not to forget her and told me she was very sorry but distance was too much and she didn't want to hurt me. From all I know, she could have felt the same way but wasn't willing to try a long distance thing (or maybe never felt the same way?). Now I'll never know because I waited too long. You, my friend, may have already waited for too long. Moral of the story? Tell him NOW before it's too late. If he doesn't feel the same way at least you'll know and you'll be able to accept that in time. If he does, god know how the relationship will work, there are no manuals or text books... but you'll know just how far you'll bith be willing to go for each other, you'll talk about it with him and try to figure out a way to give it a try. Just please, don't keep that inside... it will only hurt your soul. Best of luck!

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