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......and her elder sister warned me!

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Hi guyzzz. I have a problem dealing with the matter of my crush. It is a bit long story(not that long). But please, help me out. I had a crush on a lovely girl when i was 9th and 10th class. She kept looking at me and smiled every 2 minutes in the class. I liked her a lot. My friends even encouraged me talk to her, but i was very scared of talking to her. What if she refused..... She left the school the next year, and i became very sad. One day, on the day of diwali, while i was visiting the family of one of my dad's friend, who lived nearby her house, i thought to just go and take a look of her house (I knew her address). I was riding through the lane, suddenly she came outside when I was just outside her house. She called her mother and her elder sister came rushin' out. She introduced me to them. I was very nervous at that time, and when I was asked how I was here, I told a lie unexpectedly that I was finding one of my friend's home who live in the same colony. She called me inside and praised me infront of her family. She told me that her father too worked in the same company of my dad's. I went home after meeting them. One day, I asked her sister if I could wish her on her b'day, she became angry and warned me never to contact my crush. Not even to meet her. I was very depressed. I knew that too had a crush on me, but now I could do nothing. Please help!!

......and her elder sister warned me!

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Crush? Okay... 'What if she refused?' Then you'd have known where you stood (and would have had to have DONE something about it, "EEEK!"). ;-) You're really not used to being nervous, or meeting challenges when nervous I should say, are you. One day? ONE DAY? You mean, you had this giant iron ready to strike and you LEFT IT ALONE? Talk about history repeating?! Is that why her sister told you to stay away?... because you'd set her sister up for a big fall yet again, meaning, big sister thinks you're permanent bad news where (her perception) 'futilely' raising her little sister's hopes all over again are concerned? I'd say that was as obvious a truth as the nose on your face, actually. What do you want - a huge great neon sign around this 'crush's' neck reading, "take-me-take-me-I'm-yours"? For crying out loud, stop being such a chicken, go round to her house, tell her what she wants to hear - that you've had feelings for her ever since school - and stop all this self-created, completely unnecessary angst!

......and her elder sister warned me!

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Hi SOULMATE. Thanks for giving me some advice. I know that i should go to her house and tell her, or call her on her phone (i have her number), but i don't know who will be receiving me.... The mobile number can be of her dad's. Many friends tell me to call her from their own phone, but i don't have the courage to call.

......and her elder sister warned me!

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You are being an idiot. Nomoffense. I'm eleven years old, but i understand things. I read a lot. So please just read this before judging. Look, you're over complicating things because you're too scared to confront it, s you need an excuse to validate staying away. Just tell her, by cracking a joke or something, if you feel nervous. I mean, that way you could back out and claim it was a joke if she says no, since I known that makes nervous people feel better, like yourself. To get into contact, just call the number, and if someone else picks up, then hang up, and if they don't, try to get her to come over-or yo go to her house. Really, nobody can help you if you deflect all the good suggestions SOULMATE made, and mine, since in the end, youre the person making the decision, and stopping yourself. Hope it helps.

......and her elder sister warned me!

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I'm sorry mate, but you do have the courage to call her.. you're making excuses. Embarrassment won't kill you, like SOulmate said you are just unused to being nervous, you need to man up and call. If her Dad answers then maybe it's a good idea, you can then ask him if you can speak to his daughter, that way you will know his feelings on the matter. If he is ok with you speaking to her, then that's a green light to go round in person, if not then try and arrange another meeting via telephone.

......and her elder sister warned me!

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There you go, SUYU, all three of us can't be wrong (or 4, if you include your own sensible side). Talking of sensible side - BLOODY NORA, MARIA! ONLY ELEVEN???? Crikey, everyone had better stand well back once you reach 21!!! I mean, I thought *I* was advanced at 11, but, BLOW ME!!! Here, if (or is that, when) you become prime minister could you make a note to pass a law that house bricks have to be any colour but Brown and road tar Green instead of Black/Grey, please? Cheers, much obliged. :-)

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