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17 years old, no friends and no job

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I felt like my life was headed in the right direction, i had really close friend and was doing an apprentaship in something love and I lost it all. While I was doing my apprentaship I got really bad acne, didn't want to go to work as my colleges would comment on it and I just didn't have the confidence to go out. My acne s stating to get better but I have no friends to see I have no job to go to and I'm just feeling very lonely. I want to go somewhere for a while get away from my problems and sort my life out. I am a hippy a heart enjoy yoga and healthy living but I can't eat the healthy food that I want to because I don't hae the money to. I just need some advice on somewhere that I could go to sort my life out that is affordable or free because if I'm honest iv even been thinking about ending my life. Don't want to have this mind set anymore :'( :'(

17 years old, no friends and no job

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Don't ever think of ending your life. It always gets better. Life is about UPS and DOWNS and everything in-between. Who cares if you have/had acne? So do MILLIONS of other people in the world. You are 17, and that is very normal! I had it when I was a teen too...and there were times when I did not want to be seen so I definitely understand where you are coming from. But please remember that others will NOT remember you for your acne when it is all said and done! You won't have it forever. As for your job, cost of food, and sorting out your life somewhere affordably, why are you needing to do that at the age of 17? Are your parents helping you?

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