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Mental Health and Schooling

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At the moment, I have realized that I am a danger to myself. I really am, and its a bit bothersome. As my depression,anxiety and destructive thoughts-actions take more and more, the less motivation I have for getting out of bed-let alone any school. Im going to fail this year-that only slightly worries me. Im more curious to know if I could take this year 'off' and continue next year, so that I have a better chance of figuring out what to do and help myself without the stress and anxiety of schooling. Any suggestions?

Mental Health and Schooling

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Hello PANDA, I am no expert on this area, but I would advice you to take up hobbies, and start working out! It might sound stupid, but it will greatly boost your self confidence, and it will make it less likely others pick on you. Just do things that make you forget the situation you are in. Get away from the places that make you think bad things. I had a depression when I was a first year student on my highschool, but I recovered from it in about 1 month! I am sure you can do it, just remember your life isn't something worthless, go do something with it, be special!

Mental Health and Schooling

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Are you taking any medication? Doing nothing will make it worse even though that is what you want to do. I like the advice to exercise. If you are taking off time to get yourself together than do it. If it is winding down to stay in bed all day and make yourself worse do not.

Mental Health and Schooling

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Hello! You might not like to hear this, but have you considered your mental health is due to what you are eating, or your health condition? I had a bit of depression in 8th grade because i was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and worst hearing loss as well as food allergies. The depression was due to my hypothyroidism as a symptom. A lot of people are sensitive to gluten and dairy, and if you got rid of one of these it might help... If you refuse to eat differently (because i know it's hard) consider this quote, "If you change nothing, nothing will change." Sulking in your bedroom and saying BS through your schoolwork because of your depression an anxiety is not healthy at all, so try something new. Take a class fitness (dance?) related, exercise is good for the brain. Take daily walks after school. Go outside and sit in your yard (if you have one). BREATHE (super important, take deep breaths when you are outside). Join a club. Change your daily routine is some way for the better, and make sure when you are upset to eat (fatty ;) ) protein (eggs, sausage, nothing with sugar in it). Get better, i believe you can

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