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Should we try or just let it go

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This is my story I was married for 13 years with my high school sweetheart even after divorcing her we still live together I have one son with her I was an still am of the though that communication is key to solving problems but that was the biggest problem she didn't communicate with me she met a neighbor from the apartments were we used to live she started getting emotionally involve now to the present we got separated I told her that she needs to go from my place because we were having communication problems she was going out coming back at 3am with her friends and I didn't want to deal with it no more.after two weeks I call her and start poring my heart out to her like always all the times that we used to talk mostly me she tells me she slept with the neighbor and on purpose got pregnant because I didn't want to have a kid with her I told her is selfish to just have more children when our situation is not secure now she is pregnant some how I convinced her to stay with me but told her that she could not have the baby been with me she divided to have an abortion but I'm the one that feels guilty ,she says she feels like she is a killer and that's were I am thinking and trying to just let it go the times that we have had time apart my son has suffer and he is the one that's going to keep suffering my cowardness in the time that we were married she had always given me doubt first with and uncle that was telling her inappropriate thing and calling her she toll some stranger and finally I heard it ,then she started working and she was taking off with some guy at work my aunt worked were she work an she told me ,now this neighbor sweet talk her and she started dating him while we were still married I had a gut feeling that's why I told her I wanted a divorce now I'm back with her I feel like a worthless person try do date and meet people but now a days it seems impossible the two people I went on a date with seems like we never align in time I'm always busy they are always busy I'm feeling depress don't know how to live on my own and always depended on her to cook for me if anyone can read my 3rd grader writing please send me any though and advice or some good TOUGH LOVE I will appreciate it may your day be blessed

Should we try or just let it go

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Im so sorry to hear what you are going thru.. but in my opinion i believe you nees to try to move on. Its obvious she doesn't care about you. You should not feel like you are worth nothing. You are human and seem like a man with a big heart and you should not feel that way. Idk what else to tell you but be strong and focus on your happiness dont depend on no one to make you happy. Hope this kinda helps

Should we try or just let it go

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She's not worth your trouble. She's been going around the block, and got pregnant. I'm not one for abortion, so just let her take care of her new born baby, while she can hunt down your neighbor for child support. You don't need to be a part of that, or even a part of her life anymore. That life she holds in her belly is only hers and the neighbours responsibility, not yours. It has nothing to do with you. You didn't want more kids, and that's not even your kid, so just let her deal with the consequences. You don't have to feel guilty. You didn't do anything wrong here. If she wants to keep the child, she can. If she wants to take away it's life, she can too. It makes no difference to you, since that's not your child, and has nothing to do with you. Well, lots of women (and men) know how to cook, but that shouldn't be the reason why you stay with someone. If all else fails, just buy a burger! Find a good woman who would cook you some dinner, and be with you forever.

Should we try or just let it go

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Thank you patience_la it does help it make me feel less alone ,it's hard some times because I got used to her and my 10 y/o son and now I'm alone in a three bedroom house. Thank you for your kind and supporting words I know there is a new day every time I wake up

Should we try or just let it go

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Wow thanks you whitebird you have manage to make me laugh I think that four this day it's going to be just fine an you know what I'm getting a burger

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