As soon as we got married he seemed be disinterested in sex with me

RIVERGIRL - Mar 18 2015 at 17:55
We have only been married a little over a year and a half.b4 we got married we dated for 2 that 2 years our sex life was amazing,sexy,exciting and some times a little daring.about a month into marriage he started struggling with ''ED.'' we went for months and barely had sex at all .I cried and few times ,so he just quit even approaching me at all.I made him go get checked.He is in cialis now.It works ok I guess when we do have sex.But he still doesn't show alot of interest in sex like he used to at all.I miss the''US'' we used to be. It really sucks and feels like i am in mourning over something that is lost.I want to feel''WANTED.''The way he used to make me feel.How can a guy lay next to someone they claim to love and never get turned on?I feel like he must be into porn at work or something.I know he used to take alot of pics of me and I'm sure of past gals he had.I have never considered an affair.But know why people do now.Hey guys out there.... Married men are not the only ones not getting some.Some married women fight that battle too.I am so tired of men joking about women not putting out for their husbands.I keep myself in shape .I am 5 ft tall and 100 lbs .I also have a shapely ''D'' cup. so what gives.I dress sexy .I give up.
that's weird, he must have some reason for avoiding you... maybe he is in some stress or crisis. you must get him to a counseillor and findout whats bothering him. nobody changes so much. maybe some physical problem or mental ailment
Ok it sounds like and maybe I am wrong his parents had a crummy marriage and he was a good boyfriend but he is playing his father in the marriage. If this is so he needs to break through this. Perhaps this is not the case but that is my guess.
Why would I be spamming ? I have been tormented by all this .we have no children .I have 3 grown boys .He was never able to have kids he loves mine.I wish I could just catch his eye again .Make him want me like he used to .The passion evaporated within weeks of being married .i Specifically told him I didnt want marriage without passion .He sid he didnt either.He was a sexual beast when we were dating .went from stud to dud .He actually LOVED other guys looking and complimenting me .He loved trying different stuff.A little risky stuff at times . was constantly touching ,grabbing ,suggesting ,whispering in my ear,then when it all stopped .I asked what happened.He says ''well' we used to go a couple days before we would see each other.'' Ok 'then is marriage mean ''game Over ?
Rivergirl, Susiedqq was addressing BREW23, not you. Relax. :-)
PS, RG: "The passion evaporated within weeks of being married "
Within WEEKS? Bit of close coincidence, wouldn't you say?
As for his response to your question about what happened. Surely his response is entirely spurious given, I gather from your post, the fact you and he nowadays are going for *far* longer than a mere few days on the trot without? Am I correct, there?