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Purpose of life

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Hi, Im a usual teenager who struggles to find my purpose in life. I dont know what to do, I often think of ending my life, but I can't but I really want to. If theres an easy way on killing myself I think I would do that. I can't see the meaning of life. It's just a waste of time, energy. Im tired of thinking feeling and living. I cry most of the time because Im so empty, Im not good, Im worthless. So Im here because my problem is that I dont know where to find it. I know its lame but pls I need help.

Purpose of life

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The purpose of life is to help others. That is not your problem. It is depression pretty clearly. Get therapy. Go to the guidance officer at your school. She/he has seen this before.

Purpose of life

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We all have felt our lives are purposeless and void. That is okay and acceptable. But you cannot think of ending your life, or think that you are worthless. Is there any specific problem why you think so ? Teenage is the most difficult period of one's life. There's judgement, hormones, first love, first breakup, and a whole lot of emotional pulldown. But you need to give yourself a chance. You have lived so long thinking that you are not good or worthless. Now, can you try another way. Why dont you give life a chance to make you happy ? Why dont you give yourself a chance to make you happy ? Try it

Purpose of life

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Keep in mind that often, we find our purpose along the way. It is often stated after one's life has ended that they had a purpose, based on the events and choices of one's life. Sometimes it’s better (and easier) to know what you don't want than to know what exactly you want. If you need to, start by listing what you don’t want to do (or be), then work towards figuring out what you do want.

Purpose of life

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The best advice I can offer, which may or may not be for you, is actually a simple quote that my uncle taught me and he lives by example. I try to follow it too. The quote is "The best way to find yourself is by losing yourself in the service of others." I think we are all here to help each other and to learn and grow and become better people. Sometimes we go through really hard things, some more than others. I know I have suffered through some horrible things myself, but I also know that it had to have been for a reason. I have already used these horrible experiences I've gone through to help other's going through similar issues. Maybe you are feeling so helpless like this so that you can help someone else going through the same thing someday. My best offer for happiness is to step outside of your comfort zone, even if it's just a little bit every day, and try to help others. It will give you a purpose in life and it will also help you feel better about yourself. You are a strong person and I know you can make it through this. Keep doing your best and don't be afraid to reach out for help because there are people that care about you, even if you don't know it. I wish you the best of luck and I want you to know that I feel for you and what you are going through. I've been there myself, and I even am going through a similar problem right now. You and I and everyone else in this world struggling right now need to just lean on each other and help each other out and we will all be able to make it. So don't give up, ok.

Purpose of life

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Hi , i would really like to help but i need to get to know you first , tell me about your issues , your social area and also your relationship with your family because i believe that family is very important My brother passed away 4 years ago , he committed a suicide and i really believe that if someone was close to him enough , someone who could have tried to solve out his problems , he wouldn't be buried by now . My parents and my brothers couldn't handle the chock and everyone was so sad so pissed that this very pure soul went away just like that , i m sure that before he ended up his life , he thought that no one is gonna mind to see him dead but he was terribly wrong ... Everyone was in tears , family , friends and neighbors . I can t express how i feel terribly guilty about his death , how i feel i've participated somehow on his death because i was never listening to him . I wish i can go back and stop him from doing that act but everyone know that i can't . if i didn't help him out , i would strongly like to help you .

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