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Sexless Relationship

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Please ... Advice needed. Been in a relationship for almost 7 years. Not married to him. I'm divorced. Had rough patches with my boyfriend. He broke up with me. I dated another man. Slept with him. 3 months later we got back together. At first sex was normal. Then it stopped. A year later he broke up with me again. This time he slept with two women THAT I know of. We got back together 3 months later. For two years since that he has not slept with me. Won't kiss me. I'm frustrated and sad. I understand we are here for a reason but we CHOSE to b together. And he's holding me being with the guy over me. Says he can not have sex with me. Is not sexually attracted to me YET loves me and I'm his best friend. I haven't had intimate relations in a long time. I love him. We are in therapy but that isn't helping either. In my heart I know it's most likely not going go work. I mean how? He says eventually it could work. Do I continue to wait til that happens? Feeling lonely and sad? Every night. I don't know what to do... I'm really losing my mind.

Sexless Relationship

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Why are you together?

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