I abandoned a responisibily and want to resolve the issue.
SEEKINGADVICE - Apr 9 2015 at 22:12
I did an honors thesis at the end of my senior year in college that I never turned in. This was in 2013. I haven't spoken with my professor since then and need to open communication lines with him to ask what the next step in moving forward is. I'm not completely sure why I never turned it in- I felt like it wasn't good enough and that I was on my own to make it better. I was going through a rough patch personally because of ending an 8 year romantic relationship and losing long-lasting friendships. None of these things justify my disappearing and flaking out on my adviser, but I've been finished with the paper for a few weeks and can not bring myself to e-mail him. I am ashamed about it. I can't seek advice from anyone I'm close with without feeling like a failure. I would appreciate advice. Thanks for reading.
First off, you're not a failure. You're human. Humans do stupid things, especially when stressed out/scared.
I'd email him again, explain more or less what you did here. (About how you didn't think your thesis was good enough, so didn't turn it in and feel ashamed of yourself now.) You can mention that you're finished now and ask if he wants to see it. My guess is yes. But what is the worst that you have to lose? (Most likely, in a worse case scenario, it will just be ignored, or the professor will tell you that he/she doesn't have enough time to review it, can't revisit the grade, whatever.)