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In love

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Hi! Im from US, I am 16 years old. I have never had any relationships and I have even not get my first kiss yet. It makes me so sad. I moved from Spain to US 2 years ago. When I visited Spain 1 year ago, I fell in love with my best friend's ex. We had a party together. I think that my friends knew that I am in love because I was looking at that guy (his name is Carl) all the time, and so did he. My friends told this to my best friend and she was very angry. But I told her do not worry because there is nothing between me and Carl. I was lying.. So I went back to US, I talked to Carl sometimes in facebook but it was more like how are you and is everything okay. I heard that Carl had a relationship with one girl 3 months and then they broke up. Now Carl is single. I am going back to Spain soon, to see my friends. I really want to be Carl's girlfriend, but I do not know what to do. I think that I am too shy to tell him that I really like him. And maybe he does not want a long distance relationship, and what will my best friend say..

In love

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There's no harm in LDR, keep the communication in touch.. If Carl would be your happiness, follow your heart.

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