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Am I really his serious girlfriend?

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I've been dating a guy for about 4 months now... I gave my virginity to him. And now he said that he doesnt want to have sex with me anymore. I dont mind that but what I mind is that he wants to do it with other girls. I allow him to do it with other girls because I know I'm not good at sex , maybe it's cause I'm not hot to him or something.. He said that he wants me to be his serious girlfriend not playing girlfriend... But imagining he calling other girls Baby is just heartbreaking.. But I really love him.. I dont whether to just end it or bear it.. Help me please.

Am I really his serious girlfriend?

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LEAVE HIM! he is no good for you if he is sleeping with other girls then your obviously not important to him! how would he feel if it was you sleeping around with other boys! for your own good id break up with him, you may love him now but think about what he's doing to you, you could actrually get other him and find someone who treats you better! x

Am I really his serious girlfriend?

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GUTTED p.s get better at sex!!

Am I really his serious girlfriend?

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i deffinatly think you should leave him, why are you putting up with him having sex with other girls i personally would be fuming. i think you need to talk to him and tell him that you want just you and him in a relationship. ask him what turns him on and then you will slowly get better at sex, everyone learns. MEATY!! dont be sooo inconsiderate!!

Am I really his serious girlfriend?

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Am I really his serious girlfriend?

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It amazes me that you even have to ask what to do. However, it's your life and you need to live it your way. Obviously, you are not happy with this and to tell you the truth, this guy is a moron. Leave him and move on. You say that you are not good at sex. When you find the person that's right for you, sex will come naturally and the power of it will not be determined by being good at it or not. Another thought, maybe he's the one who is not good at sex. If he were, he would not have to keep using other girls--he would be able to have great sex with you every time.

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