16 and Pregnant

AMANDAPOPE1211 - Apr 21 2015 at 03:49
I'm currently 16 and pregnant. I thought I could hide it for awhile until my gynecologist, who I went to without telling my mom, and she told me I'm having not one not two but three children. That's right...triplets. Just my luck. But that's not even the real kicker. The real kicker is that this is a result of me, a straight A student, being convinced to go to a party, having my drink spiked, and being sexed by the quarterback of the football team. I know, my story seems hard to believe. I barely believe it myself. But the bottom line is that I have no idea what to do. I can't care for ONE baby, let alone three. The father isn't even my boyfriend. I'm about to start applying to colleges. I don't want to give up the babies. I love them. But I don't really see any other choice. What would you do?
Amanda, I am so sorry to hear what happened to you at that party. You are a victim and so remind yourself of that if you feel guilty.
Did your mum know you were going to that party? If yes, then tell her! If not, fess up to underage drinking and then tell her! This isn't going to go away so she will find out, but let her be on your side through this. Don't let her have to figure it out and think that you were a Muppet and didn't think to use protection with a boyfriend. You will need support with this.
You can still get an education even if you are pregnant, I can't pretend it won't be harder.
Discuss what to do with someone you know and trust. Just a thought for you to consider - sometimes love is making sure that your babies get the best possible life and if you can't provide that yourself then you would do better for them giving them up.
Having triplets would be hard work, so if you do keep them, make sure you have a support network of people who can babysit and help you change nappies etc.
In the meantime, feel free to pour out any feelings you feel hard to express out loud on here. There are some amazingly good listeners on this site.
Confess the truth to your parents and it will set you free. What you need most is support from your loved ones.
Wow Amanda. That is a very tough situation to be in. You need to tell someone -most likely a responsible adult. That is one of the hardest things to do. I was 15 when I became pregnant.
Yes it will be a a lot of hard work but it is manageable. Depending on where you live there are probably many organizations that can help you. Ask your dr. For a list of places or ask human service department or ask the school for places.
You will be able to do this but you do need to find a good support system.