Girlfriend cant accept my daughter
DAVE84 - Apr 26 2015 at 19:09
I'm 31 girlfriend is 27. We have been together 2.5 years. I have 7 year old daughter from previous relationship who I have over night Tuesday's and Fridays. My girlfriend used to see her and we would go out and have fun together etc.
We are moving in together soon but she doesn't think she can be around my daughter as she can't seem to handle that I have a child with someone else.
She came up with a plan of different days for me to have my daughter so I will soon be having her every Tuesday then every alternate weekend Friday and Saturday night so we get a whole weekend together ourselves.
I really don't know what more I can do she met me as a father and I love my daughter dearly.
I'm very fair with how I treat them both, they both get everything and endless amounts of affection and love but I just feel like no matter what I say or do she will never accept her.
I love my girlfriend so much it's literally making me ill I can't sleep ive been suffering dizziness and sever headaches.
I've told her she doesn't have to see my daughter because I cant bare to lose her but in reality how will that work?
Will she change her views once we had childeren of our own or will she always be bitter and resentful to my situation.
Please be brutally honest with me
She suffers with anxiety and I think this problem occurred as the relationship progressed. The more serious we got the less inclined she was to see her.
Maybe at first she blocked it out to try deal with it on her own.
She thinks that any childeren we have together won't be as special and that she needs to compete with my daughter
No she's not trying prevent me from seeing my daughter but it's her who is struggling with seeing and accepting her.
I will try the counselling but I doubt she will go for it, incredibly stubborn woman