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I really need someone to talk to

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Hello, I am not sure where to begin. I met my husband on college campus. It was my first semester in the Nursing program and we hit it off pretty quickly. After a drunken night I ended up getting pregnant. We decided that we would stay together and raise a family. We got married 8 months after we met but I truly loved him. My child is now 9 months and I stay at home full time. He works and has the only car. He is constantly irritable and has this women are meant to be servants mentality. He has bipolar disorder and wont take meds and sometimes he is just so mean to me. Like, the other day I had a horrible head ache and asked him to watch our child so I could take a nap. He got so mad and left and wouldn't answer my calls. When he came back he ignored me for a video game and wouldn't talk to me but to tell me I am a bad wife and don't do my job. He never wants to be intimate anymore either. He just wants to sit around and play video games constantly. He thinks because he works he shouldn't have to take care of our child at all. I never get a break and I live 4 hours away from my family because of his job. When we aren't fighting we have really good times together. He hold me and we laugh and have fun and I remember why I am in love with him. I just can't take his verbal abuse. He has never laid a hand on me and if he did I would leave but his verbal abuse and yelling really hurts me emotionally. Sometimes I feel so alone and empty inside. We got into a fight the other day and he went on a website with the slogan "life is short. have an affair". He said he only looked at the website and didn't even create an account. But now I am having a horrible time trusting him on top of everything else. He has done so much for my child and me. He works hard and provides us with a comfortable life. But I just don't understand why he's had such a drastic change. He will yell at me and call me woman and tell me to go make him dinner or shut up. I just feel very degraded and I don't know what to do anymore.

I really need someone to talk to

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I agree ^^^^ . He didn't change you just didn't truly know him , just who he allowed you to know . For your sake I hope I eat my words in this one bit from my life experiences 9.9x out of 10 ppl don't change , they can cover up for a while , and there is some exceptions but for the most part we are who we are in life early on , if your not happy now you won't be happy in 1,5,10 years . Either live with it or go find what makes you happy ma'am , even if it's just a cup of coffee or a walk with your child , nobody deserves to be treated like shit , and maybe some day I'll listen to my own preaching , I wish you the best of luck I really hope it turns out the way you want it to :)

I really need someone to talk to

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get tough, it's not just about you anympore, you have a child and the child will learn from what is shown. if I was alone, he may be able to make me think he is right by degrading me. hate like this is a very strong ugly disease. but if I have a beautiful child, one look in those precious, pure eyes and well, you just might turn around and tell the asshole- you fix our dinner and after you are through you better get going to your second job,bitch. sorry, I got into my own drama but i'm back on track. you seem like a very kind woman who is just looking for what is normal, but maybe it's just nit in this deck of cards. good luck, and be careful that you don't become what you hate. go buy a new deck of cards'

I really need someone to talk to

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Hi, I agree with clueless24/7. I was in a relationship with someone who had schizophrenia and he was atrocious to me at times but then some days we were great together. I left him after 2 years, I just couldn't deal with it anymore especially when I'm ill myself. Now I'm back in a similar relationship

I really need someone to talk to

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You only live once , you have one shot at this . Life is to short !! To short to be treated like that , you can't live like this , what happens when y'all stay together you really think he will change ?? Hell no , 99.99% sure he is who he will be and he also might just be busting loose who he is and you haven't seen shit yet , what happens when your child see how he treats you and they pick it up an you have a bully at 16 year old that don't mind putting you in you place whenever they feel like it or doing to Their children . . You know you have to do something big here and you can't waste time , do what you have to do ,stay strong keep pushing forward don't slow down or look back , take care of yourself good Luck , ever need to vent or you feel like You can't do this alone and need help , if I can't make it to you I will find someone capable to give you support . Hope you get what you need out of life :)

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