
LIZBARBA - May 15 2015 at 04:45
Hello, I felt the need to tell someone about a problem that I have. I know that other people have worst problems but I want to get out of my system. Iam not that girl that is super smart and everything comes easy to her. I like to think of myself as hardworking. During high-school I worked hard to get good greats I took college classes in graduated with a distinguished diploma everything for the hope of leaving my town and study a university. I got accepted to one an hour close to my town got a full scholarship. But my parents forced me to stay in my town in its community college. Ever since I was a little girl I had many dreams and always wanted a career. It's easy to say to follow your dreams and don't let anyone get in the way not even your parents. And i fought for them the correct way I guess but my parents didn't care how much I worked for them. I don't know I guess guilt of not doing what they wanted me to do would kick in. Well I tried to make them understand but they didn't want to miss me. And since I was too coward to leave I stayed and had felt moor many months the biggest looser ever. Iam not that little girl anymore with dreams and I don't care for education anymore. I have this huge desire to quit college not study anymore. I see famous people like kylie Jenner who have the privilege to quit school and still have a great job. I feel so envious of people like that. Iam just full of emotions because iam not in the place I dram I would be when at my age. It's like having a middle age crisis at 19. I feel useless I feel like am nothing. I didn't pass some of my classes so now iam in academical probation but I can't find a motivation to work as hard as I did in high school. I got a bf which I care for so much and my mom is blaming him because iam not doing good at school. But it's me I don't seem to find a reason iam not high spirited like I once was. Sometimes I remember how I wanted to be a singer when I was little and I want to run and do that but life doesn't work like that. I just feel really depressed and unmotivated. I want to be that hardworking girl again but their is nothing that motivates me.
hi, i just read your problem and I just wanna say that even though I don't know you at all and we are completely stranger to one another, you are not alone! I've been in the situation that you're in right now. Everything is not falling into the right place the way you wanted it to be but it doesn't mean that you are a looser or coward for that matter. I would say that you are brave - yes! you are brave - for holding to what your heart desire. First of all, you shouldn't compare yourself to other people because if you do that you are not helping yourself and we want to help yourself. So instead of telling yourself that you are useless and you are nothing, starting thinking that you are someone very special. Because nobody in this world would help you other than your self, so you need to be nice to yourself by starting to say words of encouragement. It would help you a lot in the long run.
About your parents, I think it's natural for parents to get worried to their children, it is either they don't want to see you failed or they think that what they know is for your best. The best thing to do is to talk to them AGAIN. Tell them what's your plans are. What your heart really desire. Tell them that you would rather feel that you failed into something that you actually want instead of not actually experiencing it not knowing if you are truly going to succeed or not. Enlighten them. If you really talk to your parents, they will understand it. Besides, how can you know the true meaning of success, if you never experience the failure. The world is big. Your life doesn't end in one place. Explore more and embrace what life ahead! ;)
Nice reply ICKANELA . LIZBARBA I have been in your spot many times. You are entering the best years of your life. You will no doubt make many mistakes and your path may stray in a different direction to what you have been programed. You are the master of your own life. Be happy. Go hard! Seems to me you love your parents and wouldnt want to hurt them. Im sure they know that. Im also sure they want you to make YOUR way in life. If that means moving away or perhaps travelling - They will miss you!
I have never met someone who regretted travelling. A long working holiday perhaps. It may renew your interests and you may decide there is no place like home. As for education! Thats overated! Study what interests you and what you want to continue to do in the future. Dont be like me and study to tick a box. Best wishes!
to ANNIKINS: Thanks! Well, you know what, i do sometimes feel that life is so unfair but my good old friend told me that life is fair. its fair for everyone. I've realised that there are things that I have that (maybe) other people want and vice versa.
to LIZBARBA: Good Luck in Life! ;)
I hope this makes sense. I kind of have a problem like yours, but at the same time, so opposite. you are young, I am not young. you have the discipline of studying, using your head and not letting anything get in your way, I grew up in the 70's, I hated school, motto for life then-"sex drugs and rock and roll", and for me, everything got in my system and way, now I regret never learning, if I was to move out of my parents now, they are old and their health is not good,"c.o.p.d. and alzheimers" and due to the fact I have no brothers or sisters,i feel the need to stay here even thogh they wouldn't miss me, my mother acts as if she hates me and my father doesn't remember if he hates me or not,but my whole life, I've been told often, how worthless I was and am, especially since I've lost 3 husbands, my house, and any self esteem I was able to get,gone. what I am trying to say is i'm so sorry for rambling and you need to go for it. you may not get this chance again.