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Masturbation problem and porn problem, please help me!

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Hello My sisters and my Brothers .. i am 16 years old guys and i have Masturbation problem whean i was 14 untill this moment. i tried too many ways too stop it ! and i have stopped it for 3 monthes and i stopped it for 2 weeks last months because a good guy helpped a liitle bit with it. I'm actully a muslim and in our reliegon the FAP AND PORN IS HARAM! haram means (it ISNT ALLOWED) and i don't want it anymore but there is something inside me tellin` me to do it , if you have my problem you will know what i mean . It's fuck**g smashing my life , i remeber when i stopped it i felt HAPPINES , i want to fell this again guys . if you came and telling me if you do it 4 times per day do it 2 . i am doin` it once at day . so don't tire your sellf . give me the soluation GUYS please . whatever the cost just gimme it . wait for your answers guys , Regards from your brother : Hazem elharbi

Masturbation problem and porn problem, please help me!

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Look buddy, this is perfectly normal for a chap of your age and also way beyond your age. It is not a problem you must try and heal yourself from There is no reaoson to stop, certainly not medically and as far as your religion you must make the decision as it will be hard for you but when I think of all the other restrictions, especially with your ladies. I did it several times a day until I was well into my 70s, so don't worry

Masturbation problem and porn problem, please help me!

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thanks for your help . but you tellin` me i can't stop Nah bro i know a lot of guys who was fap but they stop and they are in my age . but when i asked them to help ,they keep tellin` me things aren't really helpful but the point they could stop that mean i can also stop like them but how =( ? waiting for another answer

Masturbation problem and porn problem, please help me!

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If you watch porn it surely leads you to masturbation. Even though you have no intentions of masturbation prior to watching porn consequently you start to be affected by what you see and cannot resist from going further. Heatlhy boys of your age usually have a lot of physical energy and if not directed purposedly it goes wasted on frequent masturbations or other means of 'self exploration'. Therefore, my suggestion would be to get a better control of your energy levels by taking up some kind of physical activity every time you start craving for porn or masturbation. Firstly try something you like- it might be jogging,swimming; get a doorway pull up bar, exercise bike, weights or do some exercises on the floor without any tools. Your aim is to get tired, although in a good way, so you feel too exausted for masturbation. I assume you also masturbate before going to sleep so try to use your excess energy before going to bed by ways I just suggested. See if this helps? If you still won't be able to resist from masturbating, do some exercises after you finished as a punisment. For this choose something really challenging and hard so you don't allow yourself to slip again. It would be nice if you update here how you were getting on if you decide to try what I suggested here. I remember I read this in the book which my parents have kept on their book shelf about the sexual education of teenagers so there should be some scientific evidence on this. After some months of following this plan you should also improve your appearance which might help you to feel more confident and maybe increase your chances of finding a girlfriend in the future. I wish you best of luck!

Masturbation problem and porn problem, please help me!

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Masturbation is normal and excessive masturbation will not harm your health. Only you will become tired and might get some weird or guilt like feeling. Remember it does not make you a pervert etc. You can't stop it and should not break your head aiming to stop it. The best remedy will be to SLOWLY reducing the number oftimes you masturbate. 1) Avoid being alone. 2) reduce the number of times you watch porn material. 3) develop other interests and divert your mind. 4) physical exercise and sports activities will help a lot. Join a gym. 5) Don't carry any negative feeling about masturbation. Madturbation is a healthy symptom of your health. Only it will make you feel tired and give so.e weird or guilt feeling and those emotions come to everybody who masturbates. Those feelings are because of body chemicals. 6) Talk to your physician or a psychologist for counselling. Counselling will help you out of this addicted feeling.

Masturbation problem and porn problem, please help me!

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I am not telling you you can't stop. I am saying why stop? It is doing you no harm. It is private so your Muslim elders and friends don't know and needn't know. I don't understand FAP. I never talked about it with my friends, we just did it. Your religion hs so many taboos some very solid but some not so. This is purely personal,private and your own business. Don't worry.

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