Should I watch my boyfriend?

SONIAP - May 29 2015 at 05:15
I have some doubt about the fidelity of my boyfriend ... we see each other less and less, I feel he distances himself ... and with my ex, it was the same thing just before he deceived and dumped me ... Anyway, so I searched and I found a software called Mobipast... it is written that it is for parental control but I wanted to know if we could also use it just to check that my boyfriend is really faithful.
Would you have opinions on this type of software?
I think you should just talk to him. Invading his privacy isn't going to bring you closer together. Confront him, and ask him if he still wants to be with you.
If this was reversed and you found out he was spying on you, how would that make you feel? Would you be able to trust him after that? It's one thing to monitor your child's online activity and a completely different thing to spy on your boyfriend/lover/spouse. If you can't find a more honest way to address your concerns with your boyfriend, then you're still going to have problems even if you prove he's innocent.
SONIAP, just want to check...Was the idea to use software a knee-jerk choice (to save time) or a desperate last resort? In other words, have you already TRIED to 'confront' him and gain reassurances the usual way(s) yet found that each time you made no headway, hence now feel you have no other way open to you save for spying?
Well, i guess it's just that i don't want to confront him. How can i be sure he just won't be lying to me? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't even tell me this sort of stuff. even if he did, i guess i would just believe him, but deep down, i'm unsure...
"How can i be sure he just won't be lying to me?"
Evidence. This case, actions and things that makes sense about why certain actions are absent. Why - how do you NORMALLY tend to tell when someone's lying to you?
Are you 'pretty sure' he wouldn't confess due to experience of him and what he's like? Or is this past baggage talking, with him having to play Whipping Boy for exipoopoo's crimes?