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What to do - husband seems to be hiding some things

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My husband works out of town, gone a couple weeks at a time. Today, I find a debit card charge for around $90 on our bank account to a "novelties" store in the town where he is staying. They only sell about 4 things there - hookah stuff (he doesn't smoke....anything), synthetic weed ( smoking/drinking/drug use at all), adult dvd's, lingerie, and sex toys etc. Do I even TRY to ask him what the hell this is about? I don't think there's any way he can explain this away to be nothing or not a big deal..... There have been some other curious things happening for probably 6 months now....friending those attention-seeking women on FB.....little differences in our interations......we've had a LOT of things happen in our lives for the past couple of years and I guess it's all starting to take a toll. More than I want to face. I don't know what to do. TIA, AngelMom0310

What to do - husband seems to be hiding some things

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I think you should talk to him and find out what is going on. Act like you not scared to lose him but deep down you is. Ask him question you want the answer to even tho you know it will hurt you if he say something you don't like. You should know your husband well enough to know if he lien or not, and when you do find out that just think to your self what you want to do if you want to A slap him B kill him or C beat the living hell out of him. I'm guessing C is the best answer but beat him where you cant go to jail. But to me it sound like he is. He most be losing interest in you or he feels as you nothing to him no more, or he is an sex addict and you don't know. Just talk to him and see what he say and see if y'all can work it out if not move on and be happy. Yes you might cry and u will be hurt but that's better then keep getting hurt over and over again.I think u strong and very smart

What to do - husband seems to be hiding some things

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For the benefit of any minors reading, Dr.Weekes wasn't being at all serious with his option A/B/C, etc., business, advocating violence as if a befitting reaction. He was just joking around, about what AngelMom might imagine she'd *feel* like doing. (Right, Dr.Weekes?)

What to do - husband seems to be hiding some things

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AngelMom, I agree with DW that, yes of *course* you should feel free to confront him. He's your HUSBAND; you'd surely confront him over *any* unknown, unidentifiable expenditure that came out of your joint marital fund, right? Doesn't he ever ask *you* any such questions, even from time to time? The important thing, as DW indicated towards, is to ask calmly, rationally, reasonably, AND LIGHTHEARTEDLY so as not to sound like you're ready to make a huge deal about it. It might, after all, have just been a toy/DVD for his benefit alone. I suggest something along the somewhat intrigued and playful lines of, 'Ooh, what did you get from the sex-shop, then! Show me?'. If it was something fairly innocuous, he'll no doubt be perfectly okay about showing you what it was. Actually, talking of showing... Have you not tried to google the shop name and number so that you perhaps could ask them what specifically the item was? Worth a try?

What to do - husband seems to be hiding some things

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Yes that's right I was just joking

What to do - husband seems to be hiding some things

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