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Can't get up to go to work but can for school??

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So I can't keep a job to save my life. I thought it was laziness or I can't stand routine, but in college I wake up and go to my classes like clock work no problem. In fact going to school was the only reason I stayed sane while living in a city I despised at the time. I don't know what's wrong? I've tried different types of jobs (cashier, waitress, cook, receptionist, trivia host, restaurant host, caterer) that's about it. Idk why going to work makes my soul die, but going to class revives it. Even my boring classes that I didn't enjoy I still showed up

Can't get up to go to work but can for school??

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Your subconscious - or inner animal, if you prefer - is voting (with 'your feet'). Seemingly, it's saying: We prefer cerebral jobs as require/provide mental challenge and stimulation - desk work (and a more rural setting). And so fed up, now, is it at being forced to join you in doing menial, physical jobs that it's effectively keeping you unconscious so that you don't hear the bedside alarm go off nor wake up naturally out of habit. You and 'it' are in a battle. And 'it's winning. 'It' always does win in the end, where sensible to. It's your for-life 'marriage partner', divorce not an option. So if I were you, I'd start listening and taking its opinion into better account so that you and 'it' can be pals.

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