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Online relationship

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I've been in an online relationship with this guy for about a year and a half. We met thru Facebook (November 2013) and started messaging each other everyday. We fell in love.. We then met for the first time a year later. (February 2015). We've only seen each other 4 times ever since. I live in Puerto Rico and so did he, but he recently moved to Pennsylvania. I am 18 he is 20. He wants me to move to Pennsylvania with him but i really don't want to. I don't have any family over there and plus he lives with 2 family members and i wouldn't feel comfortable moving in with him and his 2 uncles. So anyways recently this awesome job opportunity popped up for me. If i get this job i have to move to Boston and i just don't see any future between me and him. I don't want to be in a relationship with him anymore because we are never going to see each other and plus he is to possessive he doesn't let me hang out with friends or even talk to them. I cant even talk to my cousin or hang out with her because he gets jealous and honestly i am starting to resent him so much. He has my Facebook password so he monitors everything that i do. Today someone sent me a friend request and i accepted it because it was my uncle and he was furious about it. I really cant take it anymore. I've tried to break up with him so many times and he just threatens me telling me he is going to kill himself, that is the only reason i haven't done it. I am so sick and tired of him. Today i told him that we should break up and stay friends and he just started crying and saying that he was going to kill himself so i just told him to forget everything that i said and to just act normal. What should i do???? I don't want him to kill himself but i am also hurting myself because i really don't want to be with him. He is such a psycho he logs in on oovoo because i have my oovoo to automatically sign in every time i turn on my computer so he is constantly checking oovoo to see if i am on my computer because he doesn't like it when i use my computer. I feel guilty because I don't want to hurt him but i just cant take it anymore.

Online relationship

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he looks like he would of the abusing/controlling type : there is no reason for you to let yourself be abused : you have to very clearly decide for yourself what it is exactly that you want and then say it and do it - not engage in endless discussions - if he threats you with suicide that's HIS problem - not yours : I know that sounds hard to say but you have no reason to carry another one's psychological burdens : that's codependency - furthermore I would suggest you change your passwords on Facebook and oovoo or close the accounts an open a new one with another pseudo : he has no right to infringe on your personal life - tell him it's over and go "no contact" : this too doesn't sound very "nice" but by not offering anything to hook into he will have no more grip on you - and you move on with your life

Online relationship

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Do it slowly n silently.may b his age is less and he is over emotnal and lonely.dont break up at once or call him psycho directly u cant hurt sombdy like that.i would recomwnd u to change ur paswrds n them slowly mak him realise that we are more like frds.then one day suffice him wid this lie that ur elders/parents/guardian tiet ur knot to ir csn and that u cnt hurt them. He ll undrstand.tell him that u r really a nice prson but u have to learn to live wdout me .tell him to make new frds but good ones in college n focus on studys and hav fun wid is preciois.u know :)

Online relationship

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Agree with TDOFSOuUL: Some people refuse to accept the reality of the situation. Definitely change all of your passwords Opening new accounts may be better and ill give you peace of mind. Having no contact is the best way to handle him. Otherwise his manipulation of you will drag on and on.

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