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She smells

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Married 20+ years. How do I tell her she needs to clean (feminine hygiene). Because I can smell her from across the room. I don't want to hurt her feelings. Help please.

She smells

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(And does she tend to smell this way only or mostly the day after intercourse or during her menstrual period?)

She smells

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Why don't you ask her to take a shower with you? Not only is it romantic, but you can also scrub your wife to remove whatever smells on her body. :-)

She smells

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Be concerned for her well being. Pick up some "feminine wash". I recommend summer's eve in the pink bottle, it's free of dye and perfume and can wash anything without causing infection, itch, etc. (Also good for sensative skin, like when even Dove causes an allergic reaction to the calluses on your feet.) Take a romantic couple's shower and use it as you would body wash.

She smells

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"Why don't you ask her to take a shower with you? Not only is it romantic, but you can also scrub your wife to remove whatever smells on her body. :-)" HA-HA, WHAT A NO-FUSS-BRILLIANT, HIGHLY POSITIVE (AND HILARIOUS) SOLUTION!!! Love it! :-D

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