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Burning it down

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Ok so my girlfriend had a rough day and she asked me to rub her back, with icy hot. ok so I did no problem. We, as in I got excited and started going for it, completely forgetting about the icy hot, apparently she did too. We started doing it and somehow I must of touched her vajayjay and she said oh hell no STOP!!! lol... as soon as she said stop my dick was on fire!!! She jumped up and said "we gotta go to Wal-Mart" needless to say we was at Wal-Mart around 11pm I couldn't bring myself to go in. We was laughing and joking about buying douche In the middle of the night like "that guy makes his prostitutes douche before they do it" haha anyway there it is.... enjoy.

Burning it down

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Ive never heard so much shit in my life. So you got a hard on big deal who f....n cares! You gave her one so f....n what. Should we all jump for joy! get a life prick!

Burning it down

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No offense asshole, but whoever this guy is can do whatever he wants. Just because you have problems going on in your life doesn't mean you gotta take it out on him. Leave the poor kid alone and get some help.

Burning it down

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Oh another prick i see! You must need help if you think what he put is fine, who wants to hear what he gets up to with his tart, should of put it on a sex site instead if he gets off on it. thought this site was for people with problems not for people who are narrow minded like yourself!

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