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I feel that our relationship is drifting apart

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Hi, I have a problem. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years now and I feel like we are not getting closer but farther apart. I love him but I don't think that he loves me as much as I do. I have put up with a lot of things that he has done to me, and now I feel like he doesn't want to be around me at all. See he bought a boat about a month ago and he goes out on it after work almost everyday. It is not such a big deal, it only is because he doesn't come home until about 11pm or 12am. And by that time he comes home and just goes to bed. (Oh yeah we live together.) And if he is not out on the boat he is at his friends house until 7 or 8pm. It really bothers me that he can't be at home when I get off work at 5pm. We rarely ever do anything together by our selves, it is always with his friends also. I love to go fishing also and that is another problem, he never asks me to go with him during the week, only on the weekends when a bunch of his friends go to. What should I do? I have told him how I feel but it doesn't seem to matter to him.

I feel that our relationship is drifting apart

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I feel that our relationship is drifting apart

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i know how you're feeling, although i dont live with my boyfriend im having pretty much the same problem as you at the moment... i guess you have to make him see that its make or break time, that he has to decide whether he wants you or not. a relationship has to be a two-way thing. they can be great but only if both people actually want to be in it...

I feel that our relationship is drifting apart

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Don't be too hard on him. I know how difficult it must be for you right now but if he's having a hard time the extra pressure will make it worse. A lot of relationships go through stages like this. All you can do let him do his thing for a while and keep making an effort. If you want to go fishing with him then ask him. If you wait for him to ask you I think you'll be waiting a long time. Try to spice things up a bit. It may take time but it's worth it in the end!!! Hope it gets better for you x

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