Is marriage over

LADYBLUE - Jul 31 2015 at 02:05
Hello. I am a married woman 10 years and we have a 7 year old daughter. My husband is a nice guy and he loves his daughter. We have been strained since she was born. Marriage has been up and down with his online cheating and I have tried to separate 3 times but he does not want to leave. I always decided to stay and stick with the marriage for the sake of our kid. But even after a week of no fighting, I still feel like I'm in this marriage alone. Significant to note that he travels Monday through Friday for work and we only see each other on the weekends. And when he is here I am so used to him being gone that we just annoy each other and stay out of each other's way. I feel guilty of saying this. But I feel like a single mom with a weekend roommate. He is not interested in counseling and thinks I am overreacting. I don't know where to go next.
On-Line cheating and gone five days a week? You painted a pretty good picture of what appears to be obvious in your relationship. Weekend roommate... I gather intimacy is minimal at best. Staying together for the sake of your daughter.
Look to the future and try to see where your relationship will be in a few years. How happy do you think you will be if the situation doesn't change?
You're not overreacting and there's no point in feeling guilty. You are a single mom with a weekend roommate.
I'm sorry to hear, but you said it, you are a single mom with. Weekend roommate. And truly you are not doing you dauter any favors by holding on to a marriage that is not filled with joy and love, why you are taching her is how to be treated this way (and I know you don't want that). Your heart is telling you what needs to be done, but it's fear and comfort or your surroundings that don't allow you to move on. I recently found out that my husband is having an online affair with someone for the entire 8 years of our marriage so I understand it's not easy to let go, lucky we don't have kids together. Good luck and I wish you and your dug her the best.
Thank you guys for the advise. I have to finally put my big girls panties on make a hard decision. It will be hard but it will completely uproot my daughter. I just am so conflicted about when. I keep putting it off. Either its his birthday, or she is starting a new school or something. But I need to do something. Thanks...
Change is hard, if not now then when? Good Luck
I hope you don't have to seperate and fail to work it out.
We have been like that many times, married 50 years and I have caused all our problems, but having come in here and taken advice we are OK now and bear in mind our ages, so long term issues have remained but we manage and doing OK now.
Good luck